
I just looked it up myself, can't believe I missed this. I have an 80GB PS3 (fat) and it emulates PS2 games, the Ratchet series being ones that it doesn't run well. This is unbelievable news to me!

Ratchet and Clank HD collection coming out soon?!

Any idea where I can watch this? I don't currently have cable or satellite... :(

Super Mario World remains my favorite Mario game of all time. Still though, I can't complain too much about more, new 2D Mario levels. Even though the Wii version wasn't the best (I hated the "shake" activated controls), I still enjoyed it.

Honestly, $40 would not be too bad for retail. It would be cool to see them price a PSN version at 29.99 while it's physical counterpart sold for around $40.

Are there any good websites that have Pushmo levels? I follow Daily Pushmo on Twitter, and they have showcased some pretty cool ones.

Nicely done. Good for a morning laugh if I may say so.

Now about that morph ball business...

I'm not sure of the number of levels, but being completely new to it (and quite rusty on my side scrollers) I found it to be pretty difficult not even too far into it.

I made a similar post yesterday in response to the Digital Storm's new affordable line of PC's. I am about to start my new summer job, and plan to have around $800 to spend on a new PC. From the research I've done, $800 is going to have to be pretty baseline as far as some components go.

How do either of these models compare to the Level 1 or Level 2 one listed above:

Replied to wrong comment.

I'm going to take the other side as well and say that I definitely enjoyed it.

How does it fair in comparison to the original? I picked it up prior to the 2nd one coming out and it didn't hold my attention long enough to beat it. I'm not exactly sure what it was though.

Dr. Mario was good. Then came Donkey Kong Country. And Kirby Super Star (but mostly because of Smash Bros.) Wish there was more of each, and of course, there were a few that I didn't like as much, but overall it was very well done.

I wish they would release the ambassador games to everyone for purchase. I want Sacred Stones so bad.

Some of the larger arenas are pretty damn hard, so I have yet to finish them. From what I've heard though, there isn't much to make it worth your while besides the satisfaction of completing them (and achievements if your into that sort of thing).

I would say that the frustration that you get from having to shoot so much could be a downer. That being said, don't play on Hard or Crushing and it is much more enjoyable.

Save Mad Moxxi's until last as it is essentially just a tournament arena that you get no experience in (unless you just want something different to do and some decent loot). Otherwise, I played them in the order in which they were released, Zombie Island, Secret Armory, and Claptraps Revolution.

Playthrough 2 is good to level up, but the DLC and it's bosses are much better (and in the case of one in particular, drop some really good loot).