
I’ve been aware of this feature for a long time...but I don’t tend to use it. I tend to just hold the lever in this position with my pinky, letting the blinks go as long or as short as I need them to, and then move my pinky back to the wheel when I’m done changing lanes. I find the three blinks works when on a fairly

My first two jobs, I worked there for 7 years. When I got my current job, I told my boss I seemed to have a 7 year itch, and she said that was fine.

I feel very confident that truck drivers will be obsolete before I kick the bucket. Self-driving vehicles are on the way and will become the norm. Once they’re safe enough, the cost savings will make it too expensive to keep a human driver around.

Where I live, there are ads on TV and radio all the time about openings at places looking for CNC machinists. Based on the ads, they’ll pay for training, and then pay well after that. I’m not interested, so I haven’t looked into it, but the feeling I get is exactly what you’re saying; their workforce is retiring, and

I like this idea, but I like being contrary more. ;-)

I just leave my thermostat set to one temperature. The system runs when it gets outside of a small range around that temp.

not exist or will be vastly different

Yeah, while I feel sorry for the people whose jobs and livelihoods are about to be gone, I also understand that jobs eventually become obsolete. Every single job that exists now will, more than likely, not exist or will be vastly different, in 100 years time. Progress stops for no one.

These differences are why you travel to begin with

I, myself, prefer Last Thursdayism. The Universe was created, as-is, last Thursday. Everybody alive was created with memories, light that appears to be from something millions of light years away was created mid-flight. The entire universe was created in media res...specifically last Thursday. Around noonish.

My wife and I did a Mediterranean cruise for our honeymoon, 11 years ago. It was great. I basically explain it this way: you get to travel to a number of interesting places, but your hotel comes with you, you don’t have to keep packing and unpacking, you don’t have to drive, and you get to easily sign up for tours of

Yeah, I’m seeing conflicting information, but regardless, the contributions can be taken out at any time with no penalty and no tax, since they’ve already been taxed.

That’s the beauty of the Roth, it is post-tax money. You can take your contributions at any time with no penalty. You can also take money out to pay for education expenses, which is what makes it at least as good as a 529, as long as you’ve had the IRA for at least 5 years.

I’m glad it worked out for you. But you could have funded their college through other means that are not tied to only being used at college.

A 529 Plan is a horrible investment, unless you have maxed out all other options. What if your kids don’t go to college? What if Public Colleges become free (I still see this as a major possibility in the next couple of decades)?

Next time one of the global oppressed - let’s say a farmer in Kenya - sees a popup offering $100, should they click yes?

See, the fact that companies have this much data on literally everyone makes me feel like it’s nearly as secure as them having none.

“By Grabthor’s Hammer!”

Everyone has their own lists, and that’s great, different strokes and all...bit A Christmas Story? I had never heard of the movie until a few years ago, when I saw a commercial on TV for a showing and the announcer called it “A holiday classic” and my first thought was, how can something brand new be considered a

The biggest hurdle I see to EVs is people complaining about the charging times, and that complaint often comes from the fact that everyone is assuming you will need to fully charge your car. If 45 minutes of charging takes your battery from dead to full, and that gets you 400 miles, then it seems that would scale to