
I called that exact sequence out in my original post on the subject. It is incredibly annoying. And yet, it makes sense. There are a number of things that are going on between a score and a kickoff, and a kickoff and first down that the viewers don’t need to see. SO the choice comes down to more ads, or listening to

I haven’t seen that. I’ve seen a few Senators talking about not confirming anyone nominated for the Supreme Court by Hillary Clinton. Of course, there are other Republican senators who say that they don’t intend to leave a vacancy for 4 years (or longer). And if the Democrats retake the Senate, it’s all moot anyway.

That’s pretty much my take on Libertarians. They’re either wildly naive, or evil. They talk a good game about freedom, but the type of freedom they advocate would lead to the downfall of the social order. Living in a society requires you to give up some of your freedoms because the people around you have freedoms to,

What kind of vaping do you do? I’m not a smoker of anything, but I can clearly smell people vaping around me. Now, it’s not the standard cigarette smell, it’s usually more fruity or closer to a cigar smell, but still very noticeable.

But why would a Libertarian want to ensure Dems win the Senate. Most Libertarians are Republicans without the social conservatism.

Exactly. It’s beautiful and a sign of both spatial awareness and athletic ability to get both feet in-bounds while catching a ball and falling down, with a defender in your face and hanging on your arms.

True, the stoppages have grown in length and frequency. I would be all for reducing them. However, the stoppages are generally at logical times. During called timeouts (totally understandable), during times when ball has changed hands (also sort of understandable as 44 large men have to move onto and off the field at

I know, which is why I know they would go so far that even an “uninterrupted” quarter would have as much time devoted to sponsors as they do now, but it would be in-broadcast, so you couldn’t necessarily fast forward or go to the bathroom with any real certainty.

I like this idea, until I consider the fact that there would be nothing to stop the NFL from “selling” each quarter or possession, or what have you to multiple sponsors. Then you have the announcer reading a litany of sponsors (and you know they’ll be contractually obligated to say each sponsor’s current tag line) and

College overtime is definitely better, but I like the NFL’s 2 foot-rule. The NFL should be harder than college, in at least some respects, and having to get both feet in-bounds is a perfect advancement of the difficulty.


You realize there are more things on the ballot than just the president, right? I don’t know if you have a Senator up for election, but you certainly have a Representative, and there are probably a host of local elections/initiatives to vote on. And to be perfectly honest, those local elections are FAR more important

I’ve ridden motorcycles for much of my life, too, though they’ve all had windshields and I was always wearing a helmet.

I’m also in Wisconsin, and while I realize that 70 degree days are but a fleeting occurrance, driving on the highway with my window down is just horrible. I used to do it as a kid, but now, the ear by the window gets blasted with sound, I can’t hear the radio, the wind messes up my hair. When I’m on the surface

We have a GOP Senate and GOP House due to the Tea Party wave a few years ago, gerrymandering, and the fact that many people who vote Democratic don’t bother voting during mid-terms. The DNC has spent millions of dollars on Senate races in battleground states, and is ramping up spending on House seats, especially now

The current plan is for a couple thousand colonists. Any less, and the population is too small to keep itself going. I think there is a poit at which a sub-culture could easily exist. I’m not sure what that point is, but a few thousand would probably do it. Not to mention, these people are going to be very intimately

*Stuck on Mars: Two obvious solutions. 1) Make Mars porn. 2) Download a batch, then be free to wank it for the rest of the week/month.

Not with kids, but I know I’ve instinctively swerved when someone/thing runs in front of the car. Many times, I had no chance to think or calculate odds, I was swerving before I’d even thought about it. If the car were emulating my driving behavior, it would probably prioritize the people outside over me, and I’d be

This type of scenario is incredibly improbable...but not impossible.

I would give her challenges in the fundamentals room. I’m not sure what the layout is, or anything, but try seeing how far she can go there, with presumably fewer people around. I wouldn’t put her out on the main course with the adults tearing it up for two reasons.