
Interesting about the blindspot. I assume this will be addressed in the future. This is exactly the sort of information a beta test is supposed to provide...though I’m a little surprised this wasn’t caught during the alpha test. And maybe it was, hence the warning they give, but they didn’t know how prevalent issues

I’ve been pondering the possibility of a switch, or even a dial on the car’s dash that lets the driver set their preference from “Protect the occupants of the car at all costs all the way to, protect those outside the car at all costs, with protect the largest number of lives possible in the middle. That way, we’re

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I actually agree with a lot of your thoughts here, but let me respond anyway.

But, you did. You got into your car and drove onto the road, fully aware that there are cars and drivers out there who may, inadvertently or not, crash into you.

How do you know the driver was at fault? The trailer was white against a bright, white sky. It’s more likely that the driver of the car, and the sensor in the Tesla, just didn’t distinguish the trailer from the sky. There have been many times when I’m driving that something in front of me blends in with the

I can’t watch the video at work, but I’m having a tough time figuring out how a Daredevil game would actually work.

BUt there have been a number of shows/movies set in Milwaukee, and if you include Wisconsin as a whole, it actually becomes rather scary how many shows are set here, and many of them are actually iconic shows.

You do you, but to me, it’s a lot easier to just plop it in, then take it out when I can tell it’s done. Every time it’s a little different, based on water temp, how much of a rolling boil I’m able to wait for the water to get to before I drop it in, etc. It’s just food, it doesn’t have to be exact down to the second.

You don’t need a timer. You know what done pasta is, right? You stir it a bit until it feels (through the spoon) that it is to your preferred softness. Then, you scoop a single piece out, let it cool a bit if you need to, then eat it. If it feels right, then you’re good to go. If it’s still too firm, you let it go for

i love games as much as the next guy/gal

That is amazing.

Well, sex happens in a bed, most of the time, right? Most people don’t wear shoes in bed, and if there is sex, then that usually means naked, right? How do you show people in bed and naked, without crossing the NSFW line? There are two options: the sheets up to the neck, which was the default and started becoming


Hillary needs 9% of the remaining delegates to reach that number. All Dem primaries are awarded proportionally. She could disappear and still get that. There is no way, short of her quitting (and even then she’d probably still cross the threshold) that Bernie can win. So, the final nail may not be in the coffin, but

My cousin and I used to make random drink concoctions. Pretty much anything that was lquid and edible was fair-game. We then dared each other to take a drink of whatever we just created. Most of it was disgusting, but we got a few good things out of it.

Mosquitoes will bit me, but not when my wife is around. She must put out some sort of scent that mosquitoes find irresistible. I’ll seriously be sitting right next to her, and she’s swatting a way like she’s self-flagellating, and I don’t have one on me.

Our local team also does “Chuck a Puck” but they have like 3 or 4 circle targets put out on the ice. Each target corresponds to a different prize. The closest puck to the bullseye wins the prize.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at. Are you saying that because I like to read, I must be a virgin? My wife and daughter would probably be confused by that assumption.

My wife has a thing for soon as he starts kicking ass, it’s a good bet I could get some. :-)

Millenials? I’m 34, and introducing the wedding party to the reception has been a thing at every wedding I’ve ever been to. If it’s not something that has always been done, then it was definitely the Baby Boomers who invented it (or earlier).