
Awesome, a reply of SB 45? I like it.

My wife is a clean person. If we set the dinner table with a fork and a spoon for everyone, and I never so much as touch the spoon, it still goes in the dishwasher because it was taken out of the drawer.

Not if you make it a habit to just always toss the receipt as you walk away from the counter. I never keep those things. In fact, if they ask me if I want one, I just say no and leave it at that.

I’m a Packers fan, I’ll take a smug Goodell any time if the Packers win. Also, the Patriots are one of three teams I actively loathe, so again, I’d take a smug Goodell any time if the Patriots don’t even get to play.

If my choice is between a Boloco and a Chipotle, I make something at home. Chipotle is shit, and I’ve never heard of a Boloco before now, but it sounds like shit as well.

Besides, it’s totally a crap question, so go for the selfish route. It’s going to be uncomfortable either way, at least get a climax out of it.

Being the best team in the league has very little to do with who plays in the Super Bowl. The Packers were clearly the best team last year, but a fluke loss in the playoffs, and they’re sitting at home on Super Sunday. The Super Bowl is played by the two teams that get hot at the end of the season, even if they barely

Restaurants that have cookies near me, off the top of my head:

I’ve had this idea for an MMO for years, but since I have no programming skills, no money, and no connections within the industry, it’s always just been a dream of mine. I don’t even know enough to know if this is technically feasible yet, but I’m curious if anyone would find this interesting:

In Madison, at least, there has to be a person with a liquor license on premises, but the person working the register doesn’t have to be that person, just has to be 18.

In Madison, you don’t have to have a liquor license to ring up alcohol, but someone with a liquor license has to be on the premises for the store to sell alcohol. As long as some employee, somwehere, is licensed, you’re A-Ok.

I used to work at Woodman’s (both Appleton and Madison) and you need to have a liquor license to sell alcohol. You don’t have to be a licensed bartender, because I couldn’t tell you what goes into anything more convoluted than a rum and Coke (I think I can figure that one out), but to get a liquor license you have to

It’s partially because walking means you’re doing something, whereas standing still means you’re wasting time not doing anything, combined with the short attention span of a society that has everything instantly and infinite diversions. Boredom happens at about 2.5 seconds of inactivity.

That’s sort of what we do with our daughter. She’s 3 and starting to get picky, but we’ve ingrained in her since she could understand human speech “You gotta try new things cuz they might taste good” (H/T to Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood for making that a song for us to sing to her.) Once she tries it, she tends to like

Yeah, but they go hand in hand. NASA gets its funding from Congress, and Congress has no real incentive to give them money when their constituents don’t care (or even say too much is given already). In order to get more funding, they need to get the public excited, and an ambitious, manned mission gets the public

And a lot fo things people don’t even Tempurpedic beds. :-)

Neither did I, but we’re not the ones who need to be made excited about NASA, space, and science.

I agree. We could have launched much more mass and much larger pieces with the Saturn V, but I do think the shuttle made the actual construction easier, with the bay doors and things.

Strangely, public support for NASA has remained pretty stable since it was created. 20% or so want more funding, 20% want less and 40% are good with the amount of funding. However, people tend to think the amount we spend on NASA is much higher than it is. Many people think we spend 20% of the budget on NASA when it

Yeah, everyone wants to see the first and the last, but few people bothered, or cared when it was the 23rd, or whatever. Kind of sad.