Well it’s a good thing Major League pitchers are allowed to crow hop on the mound while pitching.
Well it’s a good thing Major League pitchers are allowed to crow hop on the mound while pitching.
And this entire debacle is exactly why you don’t let a players kid in the clubhouse every goddamn day. Work is work, it’s not family time or an excuse to let your kid live out every other kid’s fantasy, to hang about big league players.
I’m no MMA expert, but McGregor’s 2nd round strategy of “I am going to stick my face out and dare this man to punch it” was probably ill-advised.
Big shot there in a completely meaningless game against one of the worst teams in the NBA. Lots of pressure in that situation. Cold blooded for sure.
I’ve played the game for about 16 hours and this sounds like the absolute worst way to play it.
Probably adults with attention spans longer than 10 minutes.
More guaranteed money, and maybe better resources given to players as to how to actually KEEP their damn money, probably has something to do with it.
Wideman wasn’t “hunched over”, he was skating upright and was looking straight at the linesman the entire time. Look, I know you’ve got a chicken to fuck with that whole “ESPN hates the NHL because they don’t televise their games” thing, but the tape don’t lie.
“Which one of you is the local Punt, Pass and Kick champion? You got a couple minutes during recess to show me some stuff?”
“It’s American ethnocentrism at its most blatant—the hard-working American underdog taking on the rest of the world.”
I found it in literally 5 seconds. 7th row from bottom, to the far right with only 2.5 Snowmen left in that row.
This is BULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLSHIT! The bear that was chased out from underneath someone’s porch, and left the yard by taking a massive shit and mean mugging the owner, NOW THAT WAS 2015 BEAR OF THE YEAR.
Even if Manning throws 3 picks (they would pull him after his 3rd), Denver’s D isn’t giving up anything close to 55 points to the Bengals.
Well it’s a good thing Gawker Media would never stoop to CNN’s level and spend hours each day covering Donald Trump because it brings in pageviews and advertising dollars.
For a site that hate hate HATES white millennials, Gawker sure does employ a lot of them.
He was probably referencing the person in the screenshot supporting Hardy
That would take a LOT of playoff magic, multiple chartered flight plane crashes, and a couple terrorist attacks.
Comedy shows should be multicultural, diverse affairs in which people of all races, genders, non-genders, non-identities, non-races, etc. all come together to tell politically correct jokes that nobody could possibly find offensive or funny in any way.
So how long before Sarkesian starts crying about this game and its violence against women trope?
Because serial rapists are found innocent all the time, right? Or do you just assume men are so evil and terrible, that they cheer on rapists and refuse to find them guilty?