
Because white people are so evil, they will let a serial rapist walk just because he did it to black people, right?

“In a world in which HIV is no longer a certain death sentence or a crisis”. Oh well that’s good. I guess AIDS isn’t a big deal anymore then.

So you’re cool with just minor STD’s?

You sound like you have a lot of success in the dating world.

She wears acorn earrings...

Comic books have officially jumped the Shit Shark.

Looking forward to Evan’s review of Shit Shark #1 next month.

Why is it the industry’s fault that they made a game with so much needless text and dialogue? There are plenty of people making games just as good, on a much smaller scale. Nobody gives a shit about hearing the item shop owners entire life story.

So, what is the point of putting over 10 novels worth of text into a game like this? There isn’t a single player who is going to see even 75% of that writing, and that might be generous. Seems like a colossal waste of time, energy and resources to me.

I’m surprised Burneko was able to work that new fangled TV clicker remote thingy and find basketball on his no-doubt 20 inch console tube TV.

Ned Yost is such a shitty manager his team is playing in its second World Series. Tom Ley could do so much better. He would probably field a team of bears.

In case you needed an example of how fucking completely out of touch Gawker writers in their Manhattan bubble are with normal people, this article is all you need. Folks, don’t feel bad about spending $400 on last years boot fashions. And don’t forget to wear socks while trying them on!

I am not going to Google just what the hell “yaoi” is.

What the fuck are you even talking about at this point?

This is nothing more than them attempting to pat themselves on the back with a “look at how diverse we are!” statement. Literally every single game that has been developed by a team of people as large as the Assy Creed team has been created by people of differing religious beliefs and gender identities and sexual blah

How about this: instead of getting fined by the NFL every week, you donate that money you just lost to a charity or a medical research organization that can actually make a difference? Writing words on your face does literally nothing to help cancer patients and survivors. It’s 2015, people are fully aware of cancer,

As are most people who aren’t fossilized, technologically incompetent dullards like Burneko. The guy uses 18 steps to make mashed potatoes, but can’t figure out how these NEWFANGLED VIDYA GAMES work.

Life is hard for him.

Or, once you let him do this, then you let everyone else wear green, blue, yellow, etc. for whatever cause they want, and you have everyone looking ridiculous.

This same exact thing happened last year, Deadspin. Get your shit together. No wonder the NFL got you kicked off Twitter, your HOT TAEKS are a year too late.

Remember when Leigh Alexander whined and cried when Dan and Jason got hired at Giant Bomb instead of some diversity-for-the-sake-of-diversity hire? Boy, those two guys sure have been terrible for that site, contributing absolutely nothing.

What do you mean it’s not the same? Painting your face black to support your college football team is ABSOLUTELY the same as mocking African Americans with Al Jolsen-style Mammy routines.

It’s a good thing J-Lo’s ex husband didn’t just anonymously sell the sex tape to Gawker. THAT WOULD BE TERRIBLE AND HORRIBLE.

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