
What do you mean it’s not the same? Painting your face black to support your college football team is ABSOLUTELY the same as mocking African Americans with Al Jolsen-style Mammy routines.

It’s a good thing J-Lo’s ex husband didn’t just anonymously sell the sex tape to Gawker. THAT WOULD BE TERRIBLE AND HORRIBLE.

For more on this story, check out Deadspin’s official Facebook page, updated daily.

There isn’t a single Vikings fan who has predicted the team would go to the Super Bowl, at any time, in the last 10 years. Except for their play-by-play guy.

This shitty article doesn’t even require me to finish my sent

I lost 53 pounds in 5 months, so I feel like I can speak on this.

Fat Me drank 3-4 cans of regular soda pop a day. I switched to diet pop and limited myself to 1-2. Maybe a third on days in which I was really craving something sweet.

Sugary drinks and alcohol. Too many people think they can eat healthy and then treat themselves at the bar with 3 or 4 beers. It doesn’t work that way. Beer guts exist for a reason.

It’s truly amazing how many stupid people will follow these diet fads until they get bored and go back to eating an entire pint of ice cream while watching Netflix.

Eat more fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Stop eating junk food and other bullshit that is obviously terrible for you. And fucking exercise. If you do

How are the Giants the bad guys in this situation in any way? JPP blew his fucking hand off like a hillbilly jackass, and refused to let the Giants know the extent of it until the last possible moment. Pardon me for thinking that if you’re a potential franchise player like he is, you would be smart enough to not play

This is so edgy and hip and cool, I will definitely be checking this out after 6th period when my school day as an 8th grader is over.

I’m sure Jones really hurt him by pushing his head 1 inch towards his helmet. WHAT VIOLENCE.

Probably the same reason why Gawker paints the story of people illegally riding dirtbikes in Baltimore as “Blacks triumphing over evil, crooked white cops”.

Yep, because I am sure those racist HOA people think that free libraries are going to bring black and brown people into the neighborhood.

She made it clear early in the video that it wasn’t directed at people like you, but rather people who are just gluttons with zero self control.

This is Today’s Most Gawker Article, unless some frat bros show up in blackface in the next 5 hours.

I can balance work and the occasional internet comment just fine, thanks.

And those people who show up at 9:58 (when they were supposed to be there at 9), stinking of Fireball, will complain “They fired me for no reason!!!!” when their boss and co-workers have finally had enough of their shit.

Not surprising. And it may shock you that there are a shit ton of people who have to pick up the extra work that isn’t being done by said hungover people.

Bullshit. Even in these highly rare situations that people keep bringing up (What if I go out with a client and they want to force feed me alcohol or they will pull their business and I’ll lose millions!?), you can drink in moderation. Nobody is ever forced to drink to the point of a next-day hangover. That’s just a

I know, right? Every workplace should be filled with Drinkin’ Bros who show up to work on Tuesday morning barely alive because they just had to have those 9 Bud Light Lime’s during Monday Night Football. Fuck it Bro, someone else will do my work for me while I sit here and try not to puke all over myself like a god