
So not going into work hungover means I am now Mr. Perfect?

You people can all have your booze filled weeknights, and barely scrape by in life because you can’t put the bottle down long enough to be a productive member of the workforce. I’ll continue to do my own thing.

Innocuous? So if I was your co-worker, and showed up wrecked to work 3 times a week, and spent the entire day doing as little as humanly possible, would you be cool with picking up the slack for me? Widespread? I am not sure what kind of industry you work in, but in the 8 years I have been in mine, I’ve worked with

And people wonder why they can’t get, or hold, jobs? It’s shit like this. Be a fucking responsible grown up and don’t get piss drunk on a worknight. You’ve got a job to do, and you’re getting paid to do it, so show up at work in the right mental and physical state. This isn’t college anymore, it’s time to grow the

Wow that Carcinogen guy is unfunny and annoying. Is that typically the kind of shit people watch from those Youtube streamers? If so, we are raising a nation (nations) of idiots.

Oh religion, you even make fucking RUNNING a pain in the ass, shameful thing for millions of people.

Obviously since Watt is white, he will eventually say something racist. That’s just how all white people are.

Stick to whining about the MLS, Billy.

But as a Gawker reader, I sure wish these fellas hadn’t said so many bad things about women and homosexuals back then. It retroactively offends me as an entitled white liberal male.

Don’t players eventually get sick of that damn game after a DECADE? I mean, the base game mechanics of “click on shit to make it die” can’t be THAT gripping, can it? Jesus people, find some new game to use as an excuse to neglect the rest of your daily life.

So why is this show “somewhat unnecessary”? If you’ve got a ton of comedic talent who want to work together to make something that’s hilarious, that is the complete opposite of unnecessary.

Pretty sure the trailer for Dumb and Dumber features Jeff Daniels’ violent fit of shitting.

“Besides being wrong in several particulars”. Care to elaborate on those particulars? I would like to see your data that proves the Dominican Republic is a well educated country.

So everyone in the office should bend to your whims and let you dictate the temperature? Ok, Princess.

Of course he can’t, and if he did, he would blame all of that on the white institutional racism forcing people to pull triggers and kill others.

So this is the society we live in now? Idiots standing by watching and doing nothing as two fathers beat each other up, all while some fuckwit records it on his phone and mumbles incoherent ghetto talk? Wonderful.

Maybe don’t steal shit if you don’t want to get punched?

It’s too bad school is out for the summer, because this would be big news in middle school cafeterias around the country.

Whoops, meant to say NOT driving like an asshole.

People who treat beer like a lifestyle are fucking stupid. You’re not in a frat anymore bro, grow the fuck up.

I avoid this scenario by not drinking at all, and by obeying the speed limit and generally driving like an asshole. You guys should try it!