
Maybe because coked out, drunk fighters can't defend themselves properly and some people have a hang up about watching people die on live television?

As someone who is personally paying taxes in Hennepin County (Minneapolis), I am totally fine with helping pay for the Vikings stadium. The Metrodome was a piece of shit, and I would rather see my tax money going to something I personally give a shit about, than to artsy bullshit or theaters or public parks 300 miles

Yeah, pretty cool that the Timberwolves traded a 1st round pick for Young, then traded Young for a guy who will retire at the end of the year. After all, who needs silly things like high 1st round draft picks when you haven't made the playoffs in more than a decade?

These are on a "mixtape" for a reason. Because none of these tracks are good enough to appear on a legit full length.

Well of course they do. There are still plenty of Nintendo fansites out there who will give every game they publish a 9.5 out of 10, and they always show up on Metacritic.

Yep, I am sure WWE is really concerned about making money when it leaves a guy who hasn't been on their TV shows in nearly a year home from a shitty 3 day house show tour.

I'll be doing option 9. Not buying Evolve

That guy REALLY wanted to get on Twitter, Reddit and Deadspin, didn't he?

The great thing about my friends is that they would be perfectly cool with me doing whatever I wanted with my wedding. Family too. I am sorry you can't say the same for yours.

For more on how much the left shark sucks and was manufactured for the sake of virality, see the official Gawker tag here!

If YOU want to have those things, then that's great, go ahead. But no couple should ever feel obligated to have anything at their wedding.

Why, because I don't fall for the wedding industry bullshit that's been perpetuated onto the public for more than 50 years?

A wedding is about the two people getting married. It's not about providing an open bar so your friends can get drunk. It's not about letting the in-laws espouse their religious beliefs on

Nope. Your wedding is not about appeasing other people.

Gamer Gate is still a thing? I guess I have been too busy playing video games to notice what those losers are doing to save the industry.

Or you can just have the wedding you want, and if anyone else doesn't like it, then fuck them, they can stay home.

I know right? I think it's safe to say, knowing only this persons age and job, that he's a giant fucking loser who should just kill himself.

People looking to get into this series should DEFINITELY seek out the Stalker Complete mods for both games. They are incredible, and do a great job of taking some of the edge off the series.

45. One day, Deadspin will stop fucking this chicken.

I'm too well spoken to ever say that.

First AOL kills WCW, now Joystiq!? What's next, you bastards!?