
Richard Sherman, one of a handful of Seahawks players busted for using PED's, is trying to talk about someone ELSE cheating? Fuck you Sherman.

You know, it IS possible to watch a football game without having to get piss drunk while doing so. Maybe the people complaining about the 9 a.m. starts should try it?

Is it too much to ask guys like Lynch and Sherman to have a shred of fucking class? I guess so. But I get it, athletes should be able to act like astronomical pricks, both on and off the field, if they can "back it up" by scoring touchdowns or picking off passes. I mean, do you REALLY need to grab your dick when

People know all about that stuff. People don't care. Football is dangerous. And some people are assholes. Get over it. If you're going to turn your nose up at any organization that employs wife beaters or child abusers, then you're going to have to boycott pretty much everything in existence.

If Peterson doesn't fumble at the Saints 1 yard line right before halftime, Favre and the team aren't even in that situation to begin with. Harvin also fumbled in the 4th quarter and New Orleans recovered at the Vikings 7 yard line. THEN Bernard Berrian fumbled the ball deep in Saints territory later in the 4th. But

Some of them are. This one wasn't, unfortunately.

I don't hold the 3 he didn't lose against him, because he was an absolute beast in that game, when he wasn't constantly dropping the damn ball.

Yeah, because the 2 Adrian Peterson fumbles and horrid officiating had no impact on the game at all.

That was a fairly standard, boring looking dunk. What did you want the fans to do, lose their shit like the crowd during the And1 Mixtape Tour?

As long as Nintendo fans continue to lap up anything put in front of them by The Big N, the company will continue pulling shit like this. Nintendo fans are like those little girls on The Simpsons who go crazy over Malibu Stacy because she has a new hat.

Can we induct "Deadspin and Gawker Writer Circlejerk Articles" into the 2014 Hall of Fame?

What a contribution to the conversation by Patrick Klepek!

Max Payne 3 was the second best third person shooter of the PS3/360 era. Only Vanquish was better.

5'11 and nearly 200 pounds? Wow, what an absolute beast of a human being...

I am sure you would have been totally composed if a big 4x4 was trying to run you off the road on the interstate.

Beats drowning in $70,000+ worth of student loan debt like most non-athletes.

Barry Petchesky doesn't know how questions are phrased.

"The structure is sloppy, the reporting bring us little clarity, there's filler all over it" Reminds me of most Gawker stories.

I had more fun with Watch Dogs than I did with GTAV. I am sorry my white male guilt didn't make me hate the game.

For a site that hates the NFL as much as Deadspin does, they sure do love to pump out that NFL content.

"I'm racist, but it's ok because I'm black."