I don't hold the 3 he didn't lose against him, because he was an absolute beast in that game, when he wasn't constantly dropping the damn ball.
I don't hold the 3 he didn't lose against him, because he was an absolute beast in that game, when he wasn't constantly dropping the damn ball.
Yeah, because the 2 Adrian Peterson fumbles and horrid officiating had no impact on the game at all.
That was a fairly standard, boring looking dunk. What did you want the fans to do, lose their shit like the crowd during the And1 Mixtape Tour?
As long as Nintendo fans continue to lap up anything put in front of them by The Big N, the company will continue pulling shit like this. Nintendo fans are like those little girls on The Simpsons who go crazy over Malibu Stacy because she has a new hat.
Can we induct "Deadspin and Gawker Writer Circlejerk Articles" into the 2014 Hall of Fame?
What a contribution to the conversation by Patrick Klepek!
Max Payne 3 was the second best third person shooter of the PS3/360 era. Only Vanquish was better.
5'11 and nearly 200 pounds? Wow, what an absolute beast of a human being...
I am sure you would have been totally composed if a big 4x4 was trying to run you off the road on the interstate.
Beats drowning in $70,000+ worth of student loan debt like most non-athletes.
Barry Petchesky doesn't know how questions are phrased.
"The structure is sloppy, the reporting bring us little clarity, there's filler all over it" Reminds me of most Gawker stories.
I had more fun with Watch Dogs than I did with GTAV. I am sorry my white male guilt didn't make me hate the game.
For a site that hates the NFL as much as Deadspin does, they sure do love to pump out that NFL content.
"I'm racist, but it's ok because I'm black."
Looked interesting until the ridiculous water tornado at the end. Although I am fairly certain there will plenty of cringey, eye-roll inducing moments of TEENAGE ANGST , written by 30+ year old dudes who think they know how modern teenage girls talk and interact with people.
Get out of here, Stalker!
"GOD IS GOOD". Just once, I would like to see someone blame the Devil for all the bad shit that happens to them.
Next week in Peter King's MMQB Column:
1 Thing I Think I Think: it's ironic that the man who claims to be Superman got into a car accident. Guess that's what happens when you drive "faster than a speeding bullet".
So do any soccer lovers here want to explain to me how giving the guy who got reamed in the damn head with a foreign object a yellow card isn't totally stupid and fucked up?
Boy, Matt Kalil sure did OWN that guy who heckled him for being the worst offensive lineman in football. Sure showed that guy!