
I bought the game on launch day, played it for an hour, and was so frightened by the framerate and texture pop in, I had to turn it off out of fear.

Does Heat count as a Val Kilmer movie? Because if it does, it's better than Tombstone. Not by much, but still.

Yep, because this one game in particular has one aspect of it that's currently broken, every single AAA game is like that. Every. Damn. One.

What if guys like Welker think life is worth living, and that 45 years on Earth doing what you love is better than being 80 years old, shitting in a bag at a nursing home, while your asshole grandchildren plot to steal all your money?

I honestly can't tell if you're too stupid to realize that's a traditional dinner bell, or just trolling the shit out of everyone.

Stick to writing 8,000 words about how to make macaroni and cheese, Al.

Getting your ass beat by a geriatric is only slightly more embarrassing than walking around with that haircut.

This unprofessional, immature clown is going to have a hell of a time finding another job.

LOL DAE hate chain store pizzas!?

No thanks. I still own a PSP and a Vita, so I'll play these games on them instead.

I know right? Who the fuck wears shorts in Miami?

Can't wait to read Deadspin's "Counterprogramming Rugby" article.

So, dude hits the guy with an illegal low blow, so badly his opponent can't continue...and gets a win for it? That's pretty stupid. Then again, this IS boxing we're talking about.

"That Showalter's decisions paid off here doesn't necessarily mean they were smart decisions" No...they were smart BECAUSE they paid off. That's what makes them smart, good decisions. Jesus Christ, has sabremetrics taken over baseball so badly that, even when a guy makes the right decision and his team wins, people

Did you know that when you see something that is terrible, on a website you normally enjoy, it's perfectly within reason to discuss how shitty it is, in hopes that someone who matters will see this feedback and possibly limit these kinds of articles in the future? Or do you just think people should "deal with it"

Oh look, another "Isn't fast food gross!?" article. There just aren't enough of these out there already, we needed another.

Really dude, you have a problem with the pre-game character pose that serves to show off everyone's cool gear? Because you equate it with some bogus "facsimile of real-word military propaganda." It's not like that at all. Not even close. Looks like the classic case of searching for stuff to be bothered by.

This article is a giant number 2, that's for sure.


So it's ok for Gawker to make money off someone's sex tape as long as it's a man? I bet you're one of these idiots who says the same tired shit whenever a white person is discriminated against. Equality includes white people and men too, you know.

In the last video, at 49:40, it sure looks like he's taking damage while in the poisoned swamp...thing. Am I wrong?