
You're playing it wrong if you think that's the best part of the game. Do you really feel like you've earned all that loot by standing still and holding the Kill button, essentially? Aren't games supposed to be, you know, fun? That's not fun, in any way.

The post-20 grind is what you make of it. If you want to do it the "right" way and collect bounties, and play crucible matches in order to obtain rep and thus, buy high Light level armor, you can. If you would rather spend time shooting re-spawning enemies over and over again, feel free to check your brain (and your

"This is, in fact, how sexist and racist ideologies work"

Oh, we already know how it works at Gawker, where it's totally cool to leave an unwanted male celebrity sex tape up on your site (Hulk Hogan) while decrying female nude picture leaks as the worst thing that's happened to humanity this century.

And of course the dude has to celebrate by jamming his crotch into the receiver's fate, and then pose like Lex Luger for 20 seconds.

I love it when the only person who makes a story about race is the one writing it. I guess "Titans Reporter Has Qualms About Plies" just wasn't clickable enough.

Probably because the Raids, which will be the most substantial part of the game, don't begin until Tuesday, September 16th.

Whattaya buyin'?

The world is still pretty awesome dude, if you focus on the good things that directly impact your life, and not the shitty stuff that doesn't.

"I'm boycotting the NFL because of its terrible treatment of players and women. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get in line for that new iPhone, made by Chinese workers who literally cannot stop killing themselves while on the job."

Hey guys, did you hear Patriots owner Bob Kraft is close, personal friends with Mayweather, and completely endorses 100% of his behavior? It's true, I saw them shake hands once, so they must be super close.

Yep, I'm sure you've seen all the content the game has to offer in the less than 16 hours it's been available to play.

Why is it so hard lately to just install basic field turf, the type that seemingly 80% of high school stadiums have these days?

If you refuse to take down a sex tape featuring a famous male celebrity (Hulk Hugan), while decrying leaked nude photos of women (Jennifer Lawrence), you are a hyprocrite. Welcome to Gawker.

That art style is beyond tired, generic, and played out. Still can't believe they are trying to pass that garbage off in 2014.

That art style is terrible.

I bet you don't mind NOT paying for her treatment, though.

This game called Destiny. You may have heard of it.

The real #1: the Gizmo, which John obviously didn't try.

I agree. It would give Deadspin better things to write about during the month too. Instead we get this stuff.

Well, if any one source is qualified to talk about haughty dipshits who are up their own asses, it's certainly Deadspin.