
Tom Ley is furiously typing up his article about how this is all Roger Goodell's fault.

Enjoy something I've been doing for years, suckers! *Goes back to watching every single episode on XBMC*

Also, credit to Jason for mentioning Lemon of Troy. Possibly the most underrated Simpsons episode of all time.

Jezebel is going to have a field day with this new Night Trap.

Did you also say the same thing when Netflix streaming came out? Because EA Access is basically the same thing. Nothing is stopping you, or anyone, from going to GameStop, Amazon, etc. right now and buying the games on offer from EA Access, and owning them forever.

But hey, why do that when you can be outraged on the

"CBS can do better." Alright then Diana, you seem to be an expert on women in sports media, so what would you propose they do instead? Uh oh, they gave 5 talented, experienced, hard working personalities their own talk show, WHAT A TERRIBLE, PATRONIZING THING. I am sure those women were all insulted at the very IDEA

Someone finding out they have *gasp* SUPER POWERS is not "completely different". Like, at all.

"Of course, within 10 years every broadcast is going to look like this at all times." No it won't.

Minnesota is almost always at or near the top in every single quality of life survey or study release, but sure Tom, keeping talking out your ass about something you know nothing about.

Nope, I can honestly say I was taught at a young age that if you behave yourself, and act good in public, you will be rewarded. Not "Oh shit, you're making a scene, better appease you by giving you everything you want in hopes you'll shut the hell up and get people to stop looking at me."

That's funny, I was a kid once, and never once threw a shit fit over a god damn fruit pie. Probably because my parents actually disciplined me.

But Wall is black, so anyone who criticizes him is automatically racist.

We mock the NBA for telling these kids stuff that is plainly obvious to you and I. And yet, we think the NBA should get rid of its age requirement and let completely unprepared 18 year olds attempt to handle fame and millions of dollars? Yeah ok.

Doesn't this story belong on Drunkspin then? Oh wait, I forgot, getting drunk is cool and awesome and never has any consequences.

"the industry is definitely circling the drain." So because he/she got laid off, the entire industry is dying? Yeah, ok.

What is the point of this article? You can find stories like these in literally every single industry. Especially in tech-based industries. That's the nature of business. If you don't want to deal

They call it the Definitive Edition, yet it doesn't come with a pork bun? Come on now.

I can't believe people still bring up the "Could the best college team beat the worst pro team?" thing, even in passing. No. They could not. More than half of Florida State's roster will be selling homeowners insurance or used cars in 2 years. The Jaguars roster is mostly made up of professional players.

Second, actually. Lisa Boyer was on the Cavaliers coaching staff in 2001-2002.

"We are making a game filled with features that died off for a reason."

In future news, developer Reakktor has laid off its entire workforce and has closed its doors.

Still have yet to see anyone in the media, Deadspin included, come up with what they would have done, specifically, to punish Ray Rice. I guess they are too busy with their righteous indignation to do that.

Who hits harder: Ray Rice vs his wife, or Deadspin vs this dead horse of a topic?