
The manner in which so many publishers have completely bungled PS2 games on PS3/PS4 astounds me. Are licensing rights for voice actors, etc. THAT difficult to work out that you would just rather not re-release these games in a digital format at all? Or do you simply have no problem with Gamestop/eBay/Amazon making all

How about this: if shit gets heated, walk away. I am 6'5, 210, but if I was in an argument with a guy the size of Shaq, you better believe I would, for the sake of my own self preservation, watch what I said to that dude, and if stuff began escalating, I would remove myself from that situation. If Shaq ends up

Looks like Deadspin found their Tebow.

Nope. Everything you love is shitty and terrible, according to some guy's article on the internet.

I agree. Talking about issues with people never solves or helps anything.

How long is Deadspin going to fuck this chicken?

Just wait and see the movie. That way you can experience the "great" story without all of the awful, Splinter-Cell-in-2004 style gameplay.

Way to not answer the question, Barry. You've got a future in politics.

Generic "You are wrong because my favorite isn't #1. Swear word, swear word, etc." comment goes here.

How do you whip your dick out, while riding skintight shorts AND biking in a massive crowd of people?

I bet you're one of those people who says movie tickets are too expensive because it costs $20 to get your XXL popcorn, Diet Coke, and King size bag of Twizzlers.

October 12th against the Lions. $74.36. Average temperature on October 12: 58 degrees. But hey, don't let silly things like "facts" get in the way of your

Deadspin: where domestic violence is terrible...except when we can use it to post a bunch of hilarious joke articles all in one day.

"very unprofessional. Even infantile."

You don't visit this site often, do you?

Sometimes brevity is useful. Or do you enjoy those 8,000 word Albert Burneko articles about how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?

Disagree. Who was the last legit college Junior or Senior who built up his name and became high profile before going to the NBA? The NBA can market 18 and 19 year olds. They've done it before (LeBron, KG, Kobe, etc.). What they don't want is every NBA roster filled with 2-3 high school players who will be out of the

I almost miss the days of the constant social justice stories on Kotaku. It sure beats the current trend of "What idiots on Twitter/Instagram are saying" and "What if Pokemon looked like THIS?" stories.

Where do you people live where bacon flavored potato chips are common and available? I have honestly never seen any chips with bacon flavors ever, and I live in a major metropolitan city.

Why do people constantly refer to sports like baseball or football as "a kids game". It's not a kids game. Do you spend 7 hours on a Sunday watching children's football games?

Oh, and people generally care about athletes being decent people because most people don't think it's very nice to beat the shit out of a woman


I don't get the underlying tone of seemingly EVERY NFL story here on Deadspin. Who cares if NFL owners are rich, and that the league is swimming in money? EVERYONE makes money from the NFL, including Gawker. For a site that seemingly hates covering the evil, greedy, horrible people involved in the NFL, you sure post a

You need