
That doesn't look anything like Tony Eusebio

That makes perfect sense. Kirby Puckett was my idol, so I spent my childhood in full blackface so I could be exactly like him in every way.

In future news, Devil's Third failed to make the NPD Top 20 in its first month of release.

I still don't get why this game got so much hype to begin with. The team making it has been completely gutted. The two games they had created prior to it were loaded with problems (Sorry, SotC fanboys, but that game ran like ass and a half). And the only thing we've seen of it is a straight up UGLY looking flying

So what is going to be the manufactured outrage this year? Last year, Sony didn't have enough female presenters. What's it going to be in 2014? That a big AAA game is racist somehow? Or that the lack of an LGBT hero in a game means the industry is the worst thing ever? I'll be sure to check Kotaku daily for updates on

Yep, because those 3 games are a completely accurate representation of every single one of the 100+ games to be shown at the event. 100% of them are M rated violent action games.

I can already tell this "feature" is going to do nothing but bait people into outrage with bullshit.

I am totally fine with this just being more of the same, something to tide people over with until the REAL next Borderlands game hits in early 2016.

I bet you woke up this morning hoping "Today's the day I'll finally be able to use that 'illiterate hockey coach joke' I've been saving for years!"

The info you find on their website is no better or different than the stuff you can find on any of the 197,238 other similar gaming sites. The Edge magazine, however, is still one of the best gaming publications ever.

You don't know how math works, do you?

If you download it once, while a PS+ subscriber, it's yours to keep for as long as you are a subscriber of the service. You can re-DL it at any time.

Wow, a "chain pizza is mediocre" joke. You should open for Louis C.K.

So that's your take away from a woman being brutally murdered, that this would be the perfect time to get a dig in on some internet losers?

If a developer wants to intentionally make a slower paced game with more deliberate game mechanics, then 30 FPS is totally fine. Not every game needs to run like Quake 2.

I realize Tom Ley is the ultimate jock riding athlete apologist, so it doesn't surprise me that he would scoff at something like a coach being pissed off that his team didn't put in enough effort. Makes me wonder if Tom has ever participated in team sports. Most coaches won't get too worked up if you're just not

I know it's a joke, but being a racist dumbass meathead is just a little different than being a straight up murderer.

A "world class catch"? She jumped like 2 inches off the ground to catch a ball that was basically at eye level. She didn't exactly sky into the air like Kirby Puckett in Game 6 of the 1991 World Series.

Cool. I will definitely have an Xbone by then, and I love Halo multiplayer. Seems odd that they are announcing it now...why not wait until E3?

Bored with the setting after Crysis and Far Cry 3. Sucks that they didn't try anything really new, and are most likely using the same engine as the 3rd game. Seems like a giant cash-in attempt to secure big bucks for the next real, BIG Far Cry game. Oh well.

My guess is they wanted their E3 conference to be purely about the games, with their big titles capturing the headlines, and not a price drop.

I legitimately want one now.