
I often wonder if the straight, dick-lovin' gals of Jezebel ever get tired of the constant stream of LGBT articles that get posted to that site. Almost seems to me like it's saying "If you just like plain old hairy man cock, you're not a real, strong, independent modern woman."

The "Have you ever liked a girl" comment is pretty harmless. Sterling is so old and out of touch, he probably legitimately had no idea what Anderson Cooper's sexual orientation was. Or is that something that, in modern America, everyone needs to know about everyone else before they talk to them?

To the surprise of absolutely nobody. This version was a complete waste of time for everyone involved with its conception, production, distribution, and sale.

I think Deadspin really needs 7 or 8 more pointless Michael Sam stories today to really drive the story home.

"The Bakery That Made Michael Sam's Draft Day Cake Says Customers Prefer Vanilla Over Chocolate. Are Bakery Customers Racist?"

"Twitter's Reaction To Our Reaction To Michael Sam Being Drafted"

"Michael Sam Will

So if Sherman feels so badly about the NFL being a racist league full of fat cat owners, does that mean he's going to give back some of the 57 million dollar contract he just signed? You're right Richard, the NFL is all about money. They don't want the Redskins to change the logo because it would be bad for business,

I know, right? Everyone should be more excited about the stuff you like, and not give a shit about the stuff you don't like.

Durant misses a FT in Game 5, and it's not his fault, the ref froze him out. Randolph loses his shit and slugs a guy, and it's not his fault, the league is being mean. Deadspin is so far up the asses of athletes, it's ridiculous. I bet all their writers are the same guys who rush down to the dugout area with 2 outs in

Hey now, don't get in the way of Tom's endless athlete worship with some common sense. He gives Crawford shit for wanting to make sure the correct number of fouls is displayed correctly, in the final minute of a close playoff game. Really? You know why? Because Durant missed the FT. If he makes it, this story never

No problem. Be sure to send all correspondence to

EVERY FUCKING TIME someone reviews fast food on the internet, a dink like you will pop up and say shit like "You had Taco Bell? Why didn't you go to a REAL MEXICAN restaraunt?" Because sometimes you don't want to sit down and spend $8 on tacos. Sometimes you want a god damn Chili Cheese Burrito and a Baja Blast. This

It's a Monday, the Gawker offices are open, so they are showing up for work.

This is a preview. She thought it was boring, so she said so in the title. Stop whining.

Sure, you could say that, if you wanted to sound like a complete fool. Joe Mauer was one of the best fielding catchers in baseball. But don't let facts get in the way of another shitty Deadspin Commenter Joke.

I grew up as a lefty, but only when playing baseball, and only when I have a glove on my right hand. If I were to pick up a baseball on the street and throw it through a store window, I would do so with my right hand. It's weird. I am actually going to try playing right handed in my softball league this year, so I can

I don't see what this has to do about the MLS being terrible. Come on Billy, step your game up.

What is with all the Calipari stuff lately? Didn't they LOSE the title game to UCONN?

"out for iOS" is all I need to know. I'll pass.

So Daniel, if I walked into an interview with a tilted hat, and acted like a punk to the person asking the questions, would they want to hire me? Even if I had a sparkling resume of prior work experience (Blackstock's on-field college production)? No, they wouldn't. I realize playing in the NFL isn't the same as doing

So, stalking people is a "folk game" now?

There are racists in the South. Imagine that.