
You, and you alone, have control over what you put into your body. Stop making excuses.

Uh, no. It's a Destiny ad with mention of the PS4 video sharing stuff. Stop kidding yourself.

So, I take it you never attended high school? Or a college with a popular sports program? Star athletes, shit, even non-star athletes, get preferential treatment, that's just how it goes. I worked with a guy who did radio in Nebraska during the mid 80's and early 90's, and the stories he could tell you about the shit

And I am sure their status as pro athletes never comes into play when cops decide to arrest them for something, or just tell them to "move along".

Harvard has a 30 billon dollar endowment. I think they can afford to foot the bill themselves.

For Ubisoft, it's better than the alternative:

Wii U version releases

Wii U version sells horribly

That's some fine logic on display there. "Oh, they delayed the game for 6 months so that they could refine and polish it? It'll be a buggy mess. They should have put it out in November."

Man, I wish I was a pro football player. I could act like a complete piece of shit, and just blame it on the CTE.

This game will make about as much impact on the industry as LittleBigPlanet. There will be a small group of people who make great, creative stuff for it, but not enough to really make a big splash.

Hasn't been announced yet, and already the box art is full of "Comes with exclusive DLC!" bullshit. Awesome.

The Saint Paul paper is the Pioneer Press


I think this site needs 5 to 7 more Twitch Plays Pokemon stories per day. It hasn't gotten enough attention.

Every single defensive end in the NFL would run circles around this guy. He would be the worst offensive lineman in the league.

Why don't you spend 60+ years in broadcasting and then show us how it's done?

Twitter is a social network, just like Facebook. Which means if it's a shitty experience for you, that's your fault. Get rid of your shitty Facebook friends, and stop following terrible Twitter feeds. These sites and services are only as good as you make them.

The only thing stupider than this contest is the fact that someone would spend time writing about it possibly being rigged on Deadspin.

Nope, needs more swearing and ALL CAPS.

Why do you have such a problem with one game you don't like? Who gives a fuck if it's a game for "teenage gamers". Aren't they entitled to stuff they like to? Call of Duty doesn't impact you, or your gaming tastes, at all.

Gotcha. So the next time I volunteer at the soup kitchen, I'll do a really fucking terrible job of it, and that will be perfectly ok because I'm just a volunteer.

A whole lot of bitter, frumpy single girls in these comments. Don't worry ladies, maybe some day, someone will love you. Until then, just keep wearing sweats everywhere and I'm sure you'll find your Mr. Right.