
"All guys". I stopped right there.

So what's your point? If you want to find guys who are into black women, go on a site designed for that purpose. Do you also go to Italian restaurants and complain when you don't see any Mexican food on the menu?

So, he makes one hit and you, as well as Deadspin, are ready to call him the greatest defensive end ever?

NFL scouts watch more than just one play on Youtube. I think they, and not you, would know if a guy gives full effort most of the time.

Effort is kind of important when you're playing sports, Drew. Sorry, but there is more to evaluate in a player than a Youtube video where someone's helmet comes off.

I like how guys like Randy Moss can take plays off, and be lambasted, yet Clowney takes AN ENTIRE SEASON off, and it's totally cool.

"Gay or straight, no one defines themselves by their sexuality."

Yeah...this is wrong. I've met plenty of people who make it pretty well known almost immediately that their entire life revolves around being gay.

So when does the "US choked" article come from Deadspin? Because you know it would be on it's way if this were to happen to the men's team. But this is a Gawker site, so don't expect to see it.

Of course he/she doesn't realize that. It's just your typical stupid, uninformed, "MURICA!" comment that so many unoriginal, unfunny fuckwits love to post.

The lining of your stomach can stretch easier if you don't have body fat pushing back against it.

Nobody cares about your stupid old comic book characters. It's 2014.

I don't give a shit about ANY of the Marvel movies, and I actually thought this looks pretty good. I don't know any of these characters, I haven't read any of their lame comics, and so I will go into it not caring whether or not they are true to anything. This just looks like a dumb comedy sci-fi movie, nothing more.

Faried should stop doing the exact thing he's best at? Which is giving all effort all the time? Yeah, ok. Let's just have every NBA game look like the All Star Game too.

The only women who have a problem with the nudity in the Blurred Lines videos are the ones who look like they only get Dick when they watch Van Dyke on Nick at Nite.

His games are "sometimes controversial"? Since when? What has he ever done that could be considered controversial? Because a couple uptight dinks had a problem with a video game baptism?

Why, because she was put into an indoor league game as a publicity stunt?

You are wasting your life.

Not sure if trolling, sarcastic, or just really stupid...

Good, I am glad it's at 30 FPS. I like a deliberately paced, more methodical shooter from time to time. Not everything needs to move as quickly as Vanquish.

Also, I have never, EVER, in my 25 years as a gamer, said to myself "Boy, this smooth moving, awesome looking games only runs at 30 FPS, so I guess it actually

I like how, in any other sport, if a guy can't win in "the clutch", or hit the big shot, Deadspin will shit all over them. But this guy, they love for whatever reason.

I can help not cheering for this guy by not giving a shit about figure skating.