
Finally, a game that will run at unlimited frames per second. PC master race!

So then, why couldn't this game just be on the Wii, a console owned by more than 80 million people?

Nintendo can't even think of a compelling way to use the thing THEY INVENTED. That's pretty pathetic. As usual though, the games media, who grew up wearing Mario jammies and therefore have a sentimental attachment to the

How does it feel being the complete, total embodiment of every fat stereotype that people hate?

How great would it have been for one of those refs to T him up for his almost choreographed celebration routine? Where is Ed Hightower when you need him?

"go back to Reddit" says the guy with the novelty user name and gimmick.

"But it only runs at 30 FPS, so it sucks and nobody should buy it." - NeoGAF user

You are an idiot.

There's a shocker, these two pretentious goons disliked a movie that's not about a lesbian's coming of age summer at her Grandmother's carrot farm in the Catskills.

This is one example of a guy kicking another guy. There are literally hundreds of college basketball games played every week, thousands in a year, and we see stuff like this how many times? Less than a dozen.

Although I'm not surprised at your comment. After all this IS a Gawker site, and we all know that when someone

He's an undersized 4-3 DE who isn't fast enough to play OLB in a 3-4 scheme. He was never anything more than a fringe NFL prospect.

They have that already, it's called razor scooterin' ya maroon.

It depends on the competition. Is the YMCA the place where the "best" people show up to play in pick up games? If so, then there are probably ex-D1 guards that play in those games, and they would most likely have better handle than a Shaq or Dudley. I've played pick up games in Rochester, MN with guys who were

Why does he have a monitor in his office with a live feed of what people in his office are doing? That's...weird.

Any sex related columns on Jezebel must be taken with a grain of salt, since all their writers seem like they haven't been laid in years.

I bet you're a criminal.

I own a Vita, and won't be checking out this stupid looking game either. And sorry, I don't play Madden or COD. You know, there are more than two types of gamers: the Madden/COD bros and the anime watching JRPG playing dorks.

Why does Mock go on an interview show, and then refuse to answer any questions? If you want your private life to stay private, then stay private yourself. Don't go on national TV, derp.

If it's nobodies business, then don't put YOUR business out there for everyone to ask about. Don't scream for the rooftops "I'm trans!" or go on NATIONAL TELEVISION, and then get pissed off when someone wants to talk to you about it.

Nah, if you were born with a penis, you were born a boy. Sorry, but just because it might hurt your little feelings, you don't get to make up definitions as to what you were born as.