
The combat looks exactly like a Grandia game. Which is good, because there is no chance in hell of another Grandia game ever being made.

That battle system ages horribly. I feel bad for any young people who decide to play this over something modern.

Because advertisers pay rates based on tangible viewer numbers. You know, ratings.

Real men don't act like white knights on video game news sites.

I would rather just not play this shitty looking thing at all. Would it kill someone at Square Enix to come up with a new, unique art style? Or do they only hire people who know how to draw or model generic Japanese video game characters?

Nobody outside of New York gives a shit about any of these goons.

No, it's not gambling in any way.

Jezebel's love of irresponsible obesity even includes cats? Why am I not surprised.

Let's just have alternate versions of every movie, with gay/trans/fat/ugly/really tall/liberal/conservative/black/mexican/asian/swedish main characters, so that nobody gets their precious feelings hurt.

It's a pretty sad day for JRPG fans when a mediocre game like this one is elevated to elite status, purely because there is NOTHING ELSE for fans to look forward to in the genre. And no, those shitty NIS America or Idea Factory games don't count.

See, they should have had the Olympics here in America, where none of that shit would ever happen.

I'll have a link to this article handy the next time someone here wants to bitch and moan about men treating women like sexual objects. Hypocrites.

No better way to battle stereotypes than with a giant picture of one on the site to really get the ready to click through to the story! Kinda reminds me of how much outraged Gawker was during Halloween with all those horrible, offensive Blackface costumes...that they plastered all over their site and gave huge amounts

Whatever happened to saying "Fuck off, loser" and moving on with your day? Now, any time someone is harassed, they feel the need to write a 7 paragraph blog post about it.

Yeah...good luck with that. It's going to be a casual game, probably free to play, loaded with microtransaction bullshit. If you think it's going to be anything like the old RBI Baseball games, you're kidding yourself.

I doubt the Japanese are clamoring for a release date for MLB 14 The Show...

Yep, I am sure Barry from Deadspin knows more about the ice conditions than the greatest hockey goalie of all time.

Oh look, women whining about the friendzone guys. This hasn't gotten old yet. Nope, not at all.

How about this feature: exist. It would be nice if someone, somewhere put out a JRPG that wasn't either a Person game, a Tales game, or a steaming pile of NIS America bullshit.