
You know what? Good. The sooner this country can reduce it's need for foreign oil and energy sources, the better.

Uh, it's nothing like eSports broadcasting at all. Settle down, nerd.

Apparently you've never heard of black ice. I would like to see you try your driving style in Minnesota when it's -10, and the bare pavement is covered in ice. I hope you've got good collision insurance.

2. 2 votes.

Congratulations, you've managed to list off some female directors who have made one good movie or so. None of them can hold a fucking candle to David Fincher, the Coens, or Paul Thomas Anderson.

How about some female director make the next Fight Club, or There Will Be Blood? Then we can include them in this list. Until

Little Canada is the name of a town in Minnesota.

It hasn't been above zero in the Twin Cities since Saturday afternoon. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than a truck flying off a bridge to crack our ice.

No, but everyone will just assume that, because that's the way the Gawker writers work. Criticize a non-white person, for anything? Automatic Racist.

How stupid are you if you need an article like this to tell you how to stay warm?

These are all going to fail HARD. The main hurdles for people who refuse to get into PC gaming: too expensive, and too many options as to what video cards/CPU's you should get. These things solve neither of those problems.

What kind of consumer is Valve trying to target with these things? Casual gamers? Good luck

Nope. I am not religious, I get zero help financially from anyone for anything in my life, and there isn't a single thing in my life that I couldn't walk away from in 24 hours. I'm basically like DeNiro's character in Heat.

So, in the case of "He said, she said", you side with "she said" automatically, all the time? Good thing you're not a lawyer or a judge.

Oh, the Associate Deans of Students filed a report against him. Yep, that 100% means he's totally a rapist. That's exactly how the legal system works.

If you think movies and alcohol are comparable...I may as well just stop typing the rest of this response and instead start babbling in baby talk, because you have the mental capacity of a toddler.

Wow, that's a bit harsh, don't you think?

So, you're disagreeing with my opinion that overpriced alcoholic beverages, that do nothing but make you smell like a drunk, are a waste of money? You must be a member of the 1%. Or a lady who drinks for free on Ladies Night.

Turns out I was an honorary Albanian all the way through high school and college.

I can deal with the realities of life just fine without needing a "stiff drink". I don't use crutches to get through life.

It's awesome. My wallet isn't empty by Sunday morning, I don't have early onset liver failure, or multiple DWI's.

For the fans, they should wear layers, as much wool as possible, keep some kind of insulation between themselves and the bleachers, and refrain from drinking alcohol. For the players, wear some damn sleeves instead of trying to be macho men and go sleeveless. I just hope Clay Matthews doesn't shower before the game,