
Nope, it's the same study and everything. Some editor at Jezebel must be drunk.

Don't you know, whenever any business gets a tax break from the government, it's bad, 100% of the time.

I honestly wonder if there is a Slow News Day Story Creator at Gawker Labs, with different writing styles and material for each site. If so, Jezebel's options must be "Type the 'punchlines' of your awful attempts at humor in ALL CAPS" and "whatever Jennifer Lawrence did a couple days ago".

The solution to violence is more violence? This guy should have served jail time, not been humiliated on a street corner for a hours.

How does a soccer player TRIP over the damn ball? You've kicked the thing hundreds of thousands of times in your life, and you still screw up?

I can't tell what is stomach hair and what is tattoo!

Just play Cards Against Humanity. Your kids are going to learn what bukkake is sooner or later.

No, the men wouldn't be afraid to play her. The men face 120 MPH serves. Serena doesn't.

Was "ShutTheFuckUp Man" already taken on Reddit, so you decided to bring the gimmick here?

Really, 2 dudes kissing in a bar is a better sports photo than anything here? Or here? Or here? No.

Two guys kissing is not a big deal. Is Deadspin run by giggly middle schoolers now?

So let me get this straight. Buying something nice for yourself that you'll use on a daily basis means your "compensating for something" now? People still use that tired, boring cliche? "Oh, he's got a nice car, must mean he has a small dick and that's actually a rug on his head! Lololololol!"

"Or men are just suckers."

Says someone who probably buys a new $300 purse every season.

Mighty Wings aren't "kind of chemically-tasting". At all. Maybe your fillings are starting to melt?

Different studios have different international distributors. Oh, and nobody else has been able to find another version of the Pitt poster anywhere, so it's most likely fake anyways. Making all of this a moot point, and a colossal waste of everyone's time.

We get it, football is dangerous. Jesus Christ Deadspin, find a new dead horse to beat.

Justification: it's a fucking movie. Get over it.

It's not racist in any way. Movie posters are supposed to get people to want to see the movie. The best way to do that is by putting recognizable big name actors on those posters. Brad Pitt is the biggest star in this movie, so he gets top billing on the poster. The fact that he's not a major character is irrelevant.

Yes, it does make the joke better. Some black people give their kids stupid fucking names.

Key and Peele make fun of ridiculous black names, and it's funny. Steve Martin does it, and he's an asshole? Ok, sure.

Then you would have college players doing what they already do in high school: colluding with each other to all play on the same team, while taking less than market value to do so. High school kids already do it (Tyus Jones and Jalil Okafor), what would stop Jabari Parker and Andrew Wiggins from taking modest deals to