
Yep, Mel Gibson's career has certainly rebounded since the media destroyed him for the dumb shit he said.

The man hate is thick in these comments.

Maybe if sites like this one didn't constantly post inane shit about her, people wouldn't be so quick to get sick of her?

The best game this generation to have Square's name on it? Tomb Raider.

I bet everyone expected that to be the case back in 2006.

Probably because making that game in HD would require creating a completely new game.

I really really REALLY don't want Kinect. Ever. For anything. So as long as it's included with the Xbox One, I guess I'm not getting one. Sorry, but I'm not SO lazy, I need to talk to my damn video game console instead of navigating menu's with a remote like I've been doing for the last 20+ years.

Where were you yesterday when Gawker had that article about needy women? You would have been the perfect example.

Oh settle down. All I said was I don't like being vulnerable and in an altered state, and I am the type of person who wouldn't normally be a target of abuse. If I was a 5'4 woman, I would feel even MORE strongly about not becoming an easy target for violent crime or rape. You need to chill the hell out and actually

I went to college, and went to plenty of party's and social events without drinking. They were fun, everyone had fun, because nobody gives a shit if YOU aren't drinking, they only care about how wasted they can get. Forgive me for being an individual and not going along with the herd mentality of going through your

Enjoy your liver failure at 50, you lush.

So you're saying drunk men are never raped? Oh, I see.

I seriously wonder if some people were raised without a mother and father as children, with only a Super Nintendo to guide them through their first 18 years. You would think this is the case, they way they fawn over shit like this. The number of media members who have spent the year stroking off Luigi and this

Even more proof that we should never have a female President ;)

No, it boils down to "Leave me the fuck alone for one minute, I don't need to spend every single waking moment with you, or hear about every single little aspect of your day."

Well, duh. Guys will cheat on you if they are unhappy with you, because they feel you are either "crazy", "needy" or "possessive".

How does one go through a "straight phase"?

You know what I meant.

I was talking about one specific kind of rape, the type where someone takes advantage of another person who is drunk and unable to defend themselves.

Gaming is still a hobby that is popular with young, dumb, immature children and teenagers. Those, most likely, are the ones who pull shit like threatening rape and death to game developers.