
I am delightful all the time, because I don't need alcohol to enhance my boring personality, unlike most of the people here, apparently.

I guess I was foolish to try to talk some sense into self destructive people.

But, telling someone who would do something awful like rape another human being to "not be a goddam rapist" doesn't work. Those people are going to be out there, it's just a fact of life. So, if you can't control what THEY do, the best you can do is control what YOU do. It's no different than not parking your car on

It doesn't stop it, but I would much rather be sober and have a clear head and my wits about me when someone tries to attack me, than be an easy target because I can't control my love of vodka.

If being responsible and sober makes me an insufferable ass, then I will gladly take that designation.

No. My original comment is in response to this article, which is about drinking and rape. Context, people.

Getting drunk is a behavior everyone, regardless of gender or age, should abstain from. Or do you like having drunk drivers out on the roads killing people?

I shouldn't be surprised when "be a responsible grown up" is something people mock me for saying. After all, this IS Gawker, where personal responsibility doesn't

This story is about anti-drinking rape posters, so I commented as such with the advice that people should be responsible enough to know when to cut themselves off, and not needlessly put themselves in danger by being drunk and vulnerable around strangers.

Yep, you seem like the type of person who is only barely tolerable if they are completely wasted. You know, someone you can mock while they stumble into stuff and try to figure out how to get home.

What would I be wrong about? I made no statement in my other first post other than to avoid dangerous situations by not putting yourself in them to begin with. Being at home and being raped is not a dangerous situation, it's a shitty situation. Of course you can get raped at home, dummy.

There are terrible people in

If you want people who are more like you in the stories you watch, then why would you watch a French-made film like this one, unless you yourself are French?

Most people write about what they know. If you're Spanish and want a Spanish story, go find talented Spanish writers, producers and directors and see if they have

Here's an idea: DON'T GET DRUNK. Go out, enjoy a drink or two, and be a responsible god damn adult and know when to cut yourself off.

Some people (including the author of this article) feel that getting so drunk that you pass out on the street is totally fine, and that the only consequence of alcohol abuse is a lighter wallet.

You know what I do when I don't want my car broken into when I park downtown? I don't go to the bad parts of town and park

I see no problem with any of the information on that first poster.

Even as a big (6'5) male, I don't get drunk because I don't like the feeling of being vulnerable, or in an altered state in which someone could take advantage of me. So I don't put myself in that dangerous situation. And that's exactly what it is, a

You know the people I am talking about. There are tons of them on the Gawker sites. They'll cry racism about everything, because in doing so, it makes themselves feel good. They don't actually care about most of the stuff they comment on, they just want to let everyone know THEY would NEVER act that way themselves.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read in the Jezebel comments.

Really? The one thing most of you people are taking from this story about a movie that doesn't need to exist because it's been done already dozens of times is that the leads are white? I guess you would prefer some token minority characters who only exist in the story to satiate either your white guilty conscience or

The actual gameplay of Dark Souls is bad. Just flat out bad. I don't care if everything about it is great, the actual act of running around, swinging swords, using items, etc. is bad.

Of course it makes a difference. Anyone who says they cannot tell the difference between 720p and 1080p is either lying, or suffering from vision loss. It's whether you CARE about it that really matters. Some people don't.

I hope everyone here is ready for Titanfall to suffer from most of these same issues. Brand new developer, and being published by EA? Oh yeah, it's gonna happen.