
As someone who lives and works in Hennepin county, and who has worked at the Metrodome, I will gladly pay taxes for a new stadium. My tax dollars already go to so many things I don't use, or don't give a fuck about, that I don't mind occasionally helping spring for something I will actually get some use out of.

Yep, Kotaku gave higher than normal reviews to Ryse and Dead Rising 3 just to throw people off their Xbox One-hatin' scent!

You people are ridiculous. Grow the fuck up.

Microsoft's entire strategy with Xbox One is to bombard you with as many advertisements and microtransactions as possible.

I like this. I don't care if it's always listening. I would love to see this feature in MLB 14 The Show on PS4 somehow. Get into an argument with the ump, get tossed, and the CPU plays the rest of the game for you. Or, if you somehow make your case to the ump, you'll get a makeup call later in the game on a close

This drone thing will never happen at anything even closely resembling large scale. Amazon timed this story so that it coincided with Cyber Monday, and every news media outlet in the country was talking about it.

This will be another LittleBigPlanet; a small but dedicated community makes some really neat stuff, but ultimately the game as a whole will be forgotten rather quickly.

Fun fact: people who see movies they like will often decide that they will then read the book version as well.

PETA's only goal is to gain publicity so that people write articles like this one. Thank you Jezebel for giving them exactly what they want.

So basically, nothing happened. Cool story!

Should have learned your lesson the first time.

You're three years removed from all that, yet you still check up on him and follow his internet activity?

Obsessed much?

"he's such a good dude, but just wrong for me". Possibly the most enraging thing you can tell a guy. I hope you didn't say that to him.

Nothing more attractive than a quitter!

For the people making minimum wage, that extra money goes a long way. When I made $7.50 an hour pushing buttons at a radio station, every paycheck I got was pretty much spent before I even got it. The weeks in which I was able to land OT, or holiday pay, meant that I could actually afford to buy myself new shoes or

The Dreamcast is only fondly remembered because the people doing the remembering, mostly people in their late 20's and early 30's, were teenagers when it came out. They associate the Dreamcast with one of the best times of their life, so they give it more adoration than it really deserved. Yes, it had some quality

So...spend some time with him and your mom on a different day then.

I bet that doesn't stop most of the people on here who whine about stores being open on Thanksgiving from going to see the new Lord of the Rings Hobbit bullshit movie on Christmas Day though.

I've worked on Thanksgiving. And Christmas. And Easter Sunday. Because the industry I am in (television, formerly radio) doesn't have holidays. And the people I work with have accepted this as part of the job, so you very rarely here us complain. We have to entertain everyone, all the time. You're welcome.

"and most of them will be working for minimal pay."


Macy's: paid overtime for anyone who starts their shift on Thursday.
Walmart: bonus pay based on each employees last 2 weeks of work
Best Buy, KMART: Holiday pay
Target: time and a half pay.

I realize you have an agenda here, Gawker, but how about you report the

I didn't know the Lake Erie Monsters were coached by Peppy Hare.