
Outlast is $6.79. You buy it. You poop yourself. You have good time.

Do buy Ys: Memories of Celceta. It's awesome.

The bigggest DO on this list should be Playstation Plus. Even if you only buy a Vita, and a year of PS+, you're getting Soul Sacrifice, Uncharted, Wipeout, Gravity Rush, Sine Mora, and Hotline Miami right off the bat. That's an amazing value.

Beyond is a joke. The scene where angsty teenage Ellen Page plays the electric guitar? That shit would be laughed out of every theater in America if it was a movie. But since it's a video game, it's ok?

If you plan on playing Titanfall, Destiny, Watch_Dogs, The Evil Within, Thief, and Ground Zeroes, don't you want to play the best version possible? I think you're kidding yourself if you think those games are going to be just as good on 360/PS3 as they are on the Xbone or PS4.

Has it been confirmed that Steam is doing a Thanksgiving sale that begins today?

There is a difference between being "big and healthy" and being "obese". Obese people are big and unhealthy.

It's nice to know Jews are just as arbitrary and silly when it comes to their rules as every other religion.

Why can't people just accept the fact that each one of us has our own tastes in the games we like, and each console might suit those tastes differently?

For example, I really love JRPG's and baseball games. So I am getting a Playstation 4, because that system will get way more support from Japanese RPG developers, and

4K TV's are still way too expensive, and the visual improvement between 1080p and 4K isn't enough to convince most consumers to switch. It's not nearly as big a difference as going from 4:3 SD to widescreen HD. Shit, there are still national TV commercials from huge advertisers like Ford that aren't even in HD yet.


I don't know. I was just trying to get people on my side for once!

Men are 3.4 times more likely than women to get a ticket for reckless driving and 3.1 times as likely to be cited for drunk driving, according to a study by Quality Planning, a research firm that works for insurance companies.

The author of this article, Kelly Faircloth, already has a history of trying to create controversy where none exists. She mocked two female lawyers because they had the NERVE to appear, fully clothed, on a billboard that promoted their services. She also tried to stir up some Jezebel Man Hatin' with a story about how

I always find it funny whenever Deadspin, or one of the other Gawker sites, answers dumb, obvious questions like these. Of course you should transfer if you're not happy, why the fuck shouldn't you? Either way, your degree isn't going to be worth shit once you hit the job market, so you may as well enjoy the time

Wow, that was a very defensive and hostile answer to a simple question.

I already own literally 9 different devices that can play my music. Why would I want to buy another one, to play music that is in now way portable?

Looks like my 29 year long boycott of Hobby Lobby will continue into the future.

Well, my comment was more about getting something I never have on Thanksgiving, instead of something I could go buy at the grocery store any day of the year. I have no beef with turkeys.

I'll be traveling to my moms house, 2 hours away, where she will have pizza from the local place that's better than anything I can get where I live. Enjoy your boring turkey and mashed potatoes, losers!

I don't think they are using those turntables. A lot of record labels, if you buy new albums on vinyl, will mail you a download code for the MP3's as well. I just don't see any benefit to listening to vinyl records on a home device, other than the "vinyl sound" people seem to like.

Question: do most people buy records just to collect them? How does one, in 2013, actually listen to records in a way that doesn't require buying a $200 player and some big speakers? How many people just sit around and listen to music these days?

It's just seems to me like modern record collecting is more about hunting

Y's Seven and this game are nothing like the old PC games. They are action RPG's with hack and slash combat, nothing even remotely close to a "bullet hell shooter".