
Or the people who leave your exact comment in every story where a video like this is posted.

You aren't watching the right TV shows then. You're like one of those people who says "Music sucks these days!". No. There has always been awesome music, you're just too lazy to find it, or have terrible tastes.

How about we not generalize that EVERY kid with a TV in their room will turn out to be a moron? have a problem with kids having their own twin size bed? God damn am I happy I am not your son.

Really, we can't even laugh at someone being culturally tone deaf in a damn MOVIE now? Holy christ.

Jezebel: uses "female colors" like dark red in their fucking logo; bitches about other companies trying to appeal to women by using "female colors".

JRPG's come out. Most of them are just terrible. In the days of the PS2, you would see 3-5 really good JRPG's every single year. Now you're lucky to get 1 or 2. The volume is the same, the quality, however, is not even close.

Both you guys missed out, Y's Seven is fucking awesome. Sorry, but games evolve over time. You can't expect a game released in 2011 to be the same as something released in 1993.

Insight on the day to day?

6 a.m. - Still a sex slave

9 a.m. - Still a sex slave

Noon - Lunch

3 p.m. - Still a sex slave

7 p.m. - Still a sex slave

You idolize someone so much that you visit a blog in hopes that you'll get the latest scoop on old pictures of them in middle school? You need some hobbies.

The Wii U has been exactly what I thought it would be: a console that would get one or two Nintendo developed exclusives per year that you could consider "must play", and absolutely no third party support outside of a game here and there, which almost always fail to live up to the hype. Guys, remember The Conduit?

Just an FYI, a Vita with an 8 GB card is $169 at Best Buy, now through the 28th. Couple that with a PS+ subscription, which will net you Soul Sacrifice, Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Hotline Miami, Wipeout, and Sine Mora, and it's possibly the best gaming value out there right now.

This is the best GIF I have ever seen.

I get bored at work and sometimes this site has good content that I enjoy reading. Other times, it has shit like this that I enjoy mocking. Why are YOU here?

And my point is, not every retail worker on Thanksgiving is thinking "Oh, woe is me, I am working on this Thursday!" A lot of them, especially on Thanksgiving (Black Friday is a different monster), volunteered to work because of the bonus pay they get. My mom used to work retail when I was growing up (big bad Evil Wal

Yes, Jennifer Lawrence went to middle school. Thank you for this breaking news story.

What if they go to Wal Mart WITH their families? A lot of people do that. You know, it IS possible to actually do things with family members during the holidays besides sitting at home and watching Tony Romo throw interceptions.

You are all wrong:

So they should celebrate it by being gluttons and cramming food into their faces the entire day instead?

Thanksgiving is a fraud of a holiday, an excuse for Americans to rationalize eating 2800 calories in an afternoon and then falling asleep.

Get your facts straight, Macy's is opening at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving, not a.m. And they are offering their employees, the ones who VOLUNTEER to work, nice holiday pay bonuses for doing so. Bonuses those employees can use to do what you suggest, and get gifts after Black Friday. Also, not everyone celebrates