
I love all the comments on here, from people who think everybody should celebrate Thanksgiving the same way they do. And that is, apparently, by doing absolutely nothing but sitting indoors, stuffing your face with food.

You are aware that there are Amazon warehouse workers who will have to work on Thanksgiving, fulfilling all those orders, right? But I guess since you don't actually see them ring up your purchase at a checkout, they don't count?

Here is an idea: not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving the same way you do.

Those underpaid hourly workers count on the bonus pay they get for volunteering to work on holidays.

I think Florida State football should be forced to cancel the remainder of its games, have its coach step down, and for Winston's reputation to be tarnished. Because people never make up these allegations for various reasons. Never.

Jezebel, where "Alleged" means "Guilty".

It's perfectly fine for what it is, a bunch of silly jokes and pop culture references. It's Family Guy, not a Robert Altman comedy.

Yes, television shows will continue to exist even after you stop watching them.

He'll be back. He's already been listed in credits for future episodes, one of which is a Brian-centric episode.

I think in that case, he probably made an exception because it was family. And really, if a normal, non-Dark Passenger person did something like that, it wouldn't really be a bad thing, would it?

These systems will get games. Lots of them. It just takes time. Relax, people. Everything will be fine.

I didn't even read it. I have moved on in my life.

This discussion is so 2 weeks ago.

Kinja double post

Uh, what? Straight white guys get murdered all the time.

Oh you probably would, with his ridiculous looking tattoos. He probably has one or two bodyguards that follow him around

Hunter Moore wouldn't fall under Dexter's code though. Well, maybe Season 8, "I've stopped giving a shit" Dexter.

Hey, a kid I went to high school with beat a classmate with a padlock in a sock. You aren't from Minnesota, are you? Maybe that's our regional improvised weapon of choice.

Unfortunately, he's made enough money off his websites that he can afford security.

My non-feminist male boots (size 14!) would like to volunteer for this as well. Hunter Moore deserves a shit kicking from anyone and everyone.

Right. Pilot episodes of TV shows never change at all, based on viewer feedback. Never.