
The Wii U is not a next generation system.

Hopefully with the success of Ni No Kuni, Level-5 will get it through their head that there IS still demand for high quality, AAA console RPG's. However, they make their money making soccer RPG's for the DS, and the money they made off Ni No Kuni is probably a tiny drop in the bucket to them.

Geez, I miss the PS2 era

I guess you have no problem with the fact that her pictures were stolen from her, and posted online for the entire world to see? You're a joke, get lost.

Looks a bit too clumpy to me. Sure, they've got wet snow down, but what about the fluffy stuff that's impossible to make into snowballs?

So, two female lawyers can't appear, fully clothed, on their own billboard without this writer throwing a fit? This screams of "I'm jealous I don't look like that!" to me.

However, if they end up being awesome, you can see them again on Friday or Saturday!

Why do the two time defending Champions have so many empty seats in that video? What, is LeBron James not a big enough draw for you people? Florida sports fans are the worst.

Not every single person is a walking, talking "Case of the Mondays!" cliche, though.

Here is a tip I learned while doing online dating: if you're meeting a guy/gal for the first time, see if they want to go out on a Monday night. If they end up sucking, at least you didn't waste a Friday or Saturday night finding that out.

Considering you're the type of person who calls others "Honey", I'm dead on with my assessment.

Guessing by the attitude you displayed during this post, I bet you haven't been laid in a long time.

100% of the sales go to the Shawn Carter Foundation, which issues financial aid grants to underprivileged kids who can't afford higher education.

I've only watched like 4 or 5 Matt Smith era Dr. Who episodes, but it sure seems to me like 90% of it is just made up on the fly, and makes absolutely no sense at all. Am I wrong, or is that supposed to be part of the charm of the show?

Never once does the CNN article make mention of her race or that of her coaches.

I like how Kelly Faircloth conveniently left out this entire paragraph when she quoted the story: "After an injury-blighted few seasons that saw her sink to 175 in the world rankings, Williams had hit one of the biggest troughs in her career."

Her career was obviously starting to circle the drain. You make it sound

I withdraw my previous comment on the grounds that I didn't read the article because I don't have time because I really need to poop.

I'm afraid to do a Google search at work to find out what Scruff is...

It takes you several hours a night to delete all the bad messages and respond to the 1 or 2 good ones?

What does "privilege" have to do with any of that? Or are you contractually obligated as a Gawker commenter to use that word once every hour?

You just did by replying to his comment...