
MGSV is a next gen game. I can almost guarantee you the PS3 version will be severely gimped. It will be like seeing Gravity on SDTV in 4:3, versus seeing it in iMax 3D. If you're a Metal Gear fan, you should want to play the absolute best version of the game possible.

Depends on what types of games you like. Rayman Legends came out this fall. Ys: Memories of Celceta will be one of the best action/RPG's of the year, and it comes out November 5. And if you like RPG's in general (which I am assuming you must, because if not...why buy a Vita?), there's Soul Sacrifice, Persona 4,

I pre-ordered mine on Amazon about 5 minutes after they made them available...but cancelled it last week. I was going to buy it using my Amazon Credit Card, but instead, I will save up the cash. I am going to wait until inFamous, Destiny and MLB 14 are out, and have my own launch weekend gaming extravaganza. I still

Your sportswriting friend needs to stop clutching his pearls and realize that life is dangerous sometimes.

The objectification of men has got to stop! We are not all sexual objects for you to fawn over!

Also, guys like him set an unrealistic expectation of beauty that normal men cannot achieve. Christ, I can only imagine how many pizzas I would have to not-eat to look like him.

Your comparison is better. Here is my juice money and my mother's telephone number.

I've been dating my girlfriend since January, and we still turn on the fan in the bathroom if one of us takes a piss/shit. Although I am making strides; recently I have begun farting in bed. It gets cold in Minnesota this time of year, I think of it as doing her a favor.

Well, then why not just watch those games and bask in the glory of seeing them squaring off against each other? It's kinda like saying Peyton Manning and Tom Brady can't both play in the Super Bowl...but you get to see them play against each other instead!

Why? I am too lazy to look it up.

I am waiting to see MLB 14 The Show on PS4 before I poop my pants.

And the first sports games of any console are almost always terrible. NFL2K included.

The episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark where the kid wards away the evil ghost/spirit thing with a silver spoon is much scarier.

Let's not go crazy here. I am not defending their actions at all, but attempted murder? Come on. Assault and battery is just fine for these guys, as well as about 5-10 years in jail.

If I want to see people fighting, I'll watch actual fighters do it in boxing or MMA matches. Not two guys on skates grabbing each other's sweaters.

There has already been a short clip uploaded to Dailymotion or one of those sites. I was surprised by how "raw" it was. Those ladies aren't messing around.

Kevin Love is not a good defender.

What does it say about the guy that he works from 5:30 a.m. until 11 p.m. and STILL sucks at his job?

Uh...Yahoo Sports is the most visited sports website in the world. Has been since 2012.

Good. I hope their computers get bricked because of it.

The sooner people stop thinking Final Fantasy is the be all, end all for JRPG's, the better.

Old equipment that is covered in mold. And how would you like to get the shit kicked out of you for 3 hours during a football game, and then have to ride on a bus for 12 more hours just to get home.

Apparently, having a scholarship means you can be given dirty equipment, substandard facilities to work in, and horrible