Julius Pepperwood

For me the big issue is that the Clintons’ “pragmatism” includes reflexive hippie punching, which just reenforces conservative narratives. When Obama looked like the threat we got a “scary black man supports him” attack, Sanders is getting the “he’s going to raise your taxes!” attack, Bill had his Sister Souljah

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I’m in the greys but maybe someone else will find this moment from 8 years ago relevant enough to bring it out:

Yeah but are these the same GOP strategists who said “Oh, this time Donald Trump has gone to far, that thing he said is going to make his poll numbers plummet!” a few dozen times? I’m seriously undecided and one factor is this year just keeps defying conventional wisdom.

Didn’t she similarly put her foot in her mouth for Clinton 8 years ago, with a NYT column about how black men have it better than (white) women so we should support Clinton over Obama.

As someone who remembers the glory days of Bullfrog, it’s heartbreaking to read about the failures of Godus. Molyneux is credited with games that, no exageration, changed the course of gaming. Seeing him responsible for this mess is so sad.

Aw, I was hoping this would be helpful with the tougher green olives that give me so much trouble, the ones where the meat is so attached strongly I’m pretty much scratching it to scrape it off the pit with a knife.

I liked the idea behind Fable 3 but the implementation really lacked depth. I’d love to see someone try again to make a game like that where you’re governing.

Ah. That’s why I never heard about it from friends who play Eve.

This guy knows how to play to the people who think ACORN stole the 2012 election for President Obama.

To make this closer to the topic, I’d say there are actors who won’t hesitate say they’re black but are consistently cast as white characters. (Though there was one casting director who had the sense to cast Wentworth Miller in a role that was partially defined by being biracial.) Why not cast an actor with that

I’d like to think that’s the point of casting Finnes as Jackson? In that case, I’d like to nominate Titus Burgess for Brando and Nina Flowers as Taylor. That is an amazing premise, but yeah that’s going to be tough to do without going bonkers about it.

Duncan AKA Zowie is 44. Alexandria was born in 2000 when Duncan was 29. The question of fairly applying such a rule to both children is academic.

On a semi-related tangent, am I the only one who occasionally searches YouTube to see if anyone uploaded the “Listen to Iman” segments from the original Rosie O’Donnel Show? Those were great.

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Ah, yes, Chris Hayes stated an excellent series on the shit Clinton has dealt with over the years but I guess it didn’t take off. Here’s one of the early ones:

It’s really amazing to look back at how sexist the press was. Chris Hayes did some amazing bits on the 90s on his show. I forgot what a scandal the press made Hillary Clinton’s comment about not being a “Stand by your man kind of woman” I mean, I remember the scandal but Hayes had a clip of Sam Donaldson berating her

This is just me but I think most comparisons between Warren and Sanders is looking as Sanders as the next best thing to being able to vote for Warren. Sanders’ first big bump in the polls came when polls stopped including Warren.

Yeah, those kinds of comments frustrate the hell out of me too and I can’t figure out what to say to these people especially as a grey that might help adjust the conversation.

That’s amazing. A few years ago Rachel Maddow talked with a guy who did something similar with anti-abortion activists who were harassing him. He posted their names and numbers (I think he got it all from his caller ID) and asked people to call them, asking politely to stop calling. Suddenly these screamers were all

Be careful what you ask for. There was a CW show that started with that premise. Several budget cuts later, we got H8R.

I see it’s incongruous but it’s not so baffling. I remember the shitty stuff I saw some Obama supporters (not to this volume but I still saw it) said when the race against Clinton got really heated and some Obama supporters felt free to say really sexist stuff about Palin in the general. It’s harder to miss this time