Julius Pepperwood

No, why?

you know, you can’t ask them those questions during debate, they are hard gotcha questions

So much bad news in there but I am actually thrilled about Alex Perene who, at one point, was the one writer I visited Salon to read.

I think a lot of it is that gender-role conforming gay people don’t want to be associated with those weird gender non-conforming types. The respectiable gay men in suits and the femme lesbians who took the time to do their makeup want to have their respect dragged down.

Isn’t there a new acronym that symplifies it? I keep forgetting the specifics but it’s something like Gender Relationship and Sexual Minorities (GRSM).

This talk has reminded me that I’ve been wanting to rewatch Flawless. Not a perfect film but the time PSH’s character snaps a the LCRs for wanting to erase the fem and trans part of the community so they can feel “normal” makes the entire movie for me.


Houston apparently had the most well-behaved child predators. “There’s a law against it? Well, nevermind then.”

Now playing

As I recall, Zooey Deschanel did a gender swapped version that was more blatant about the rapeyness.

Actually, I’d say there are probably Candy Crush players who have spent 150+ hours playing, they just probably played it in 15-30 minute incriments when they had a moment of free time. Candy Crush is great for people in positions that get inturrupted a lot like busy parents.

Hey justcametosay already said that it’s just their opinion. Those don’t require any facts or reading the story to see if it counters how you imagine it happening.

One problem, at least based on the Jezebel comment threads I’ve read through, is that the “B——” turned off some of the viewers that would love it. I do worry that’s going to be a problem for the hilarious “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”

I can’t take it. At this point the writers seem to be going out of their way to come up with questions that will inspire sexual innuendoes out of the contestants.

Ah! Thanks!

Aww. No kabocha? My mom swore by those. If she chouldn’t find some kabochas she went with canned.

It might be regional, as I suspected.

I mostly eat aged cheeses nowadays, I like them generally but my husband is lactose intolerant and aged cheeses are usually lactose free. (Basically, all those nice flavors come from the cheese-making cultures eating the lactose sugars in milk.)

These have two expiration dates. They basically say “Good for 20% off until 12/28, good for 10% off from 12/29 to 1/31.” I’ve always figured that means the 20% expires but if I brought it in after February I’d still be able to use them for the 10%. I always figured that was a way around the no expiration rule.

Because when the antichrist rises he will force us to have barcodes for easy tracking. I think that’s how it goes. There’s a Christian horror movie series about the apocalypse. I don’t recomment trying to watch it on YouTube because it’s horrible (like, “We’ve got to pause the story to stop and show an investor’s

Okay, so are there parts of the country where Bed Bath and Beyond sends out 20% coupons that truly don’t expire? I get ones that say they’re good for 20% off until x date and after that it’s a 10% off coupon. I figure I can use it past the expiration date but just for 10% off so I use the 20% before the date.