Wait. Duck Dynasty was one of those shows I’ve been meaning to catch up on but I thought it was Dynasty with ducks?
Wait. Duck Dynasty was one of those shows I’ve been meaning to catch up on but I thought it was Dynasty with ducks?
Oh, wow. Lobdell’s Northstar comes out issue is terrible enough to actually become good again. Not only does it have a dumpster AIDS baby, it has a retired (making his first appearance in comics, of course) iconic Canadian superhero who wants to kill that baby for getting attention his dead gay son never did.
I think one problem is that corporate stepped in. Superheroes can’t have a long rich history, not one that involves characters changing over time because when you make a movie audiences are confused by the idea that Dick Greyson is a guy called Nightwing and who the hell are Tim Drake and Jason Todd?
It’s misery porn that thinks the more awful the reality it depicts the more deep it is.
When I was a youngun you had to walk by that store owned by a conservative nutjob to read the lunatic fringe’s thoughts. You kids these days don’t have to find a “Impeach Clinton... and her husband too!” sticker on a glass door or gawk at a window display that consists mostly of handwritten signs to be exposed to that…
I think that might be a misunderstanding on the writer’s part? I usually hear that the closures affect all of the counties that are 75% black, not that all of the affected counties are 75% black.
That’s a pretty amazing tweet and pretty cool if Bonet saw it and got an encouraging message from it.
There was also the time she told Rosie O’Donnell that raising a nonwhite child couldn’t give her any understanding about racism. This was an attempt to shut O’Donnell down at a time when Golberg was trying hard to dismiss a case of racism.
...and I think the previous broadcast drama led by an African-American woman was Get Cristie Love in the 70s.
Admittedly, Palin’s acting was about the same level of everyone else on that show. I’m shocked that Shailene Woodley is a thing after this show. It should have been called The Secret Life of Monotone Teenagers.
I followed that show off-and-on, mostly due to a loyalty to Kathy Kinney and Jennifer Coolidge that I started questioning after this show. I can’t think of a single thing about that might have slipped slightly from anti-abortion dogma. It was a preachy show with wooden acting where plots included a conservative…
As others have said, it’s pretty much just a three day weekend... except that its also a holiday a lot of places have dropped. I don’t know how many but I know Hawaii initially didn’t observe Martin Luther King Day, saying there were enough holidays. When they started celebrating MLK Day, they took Columbus Day off…
Nah, if we ban abortion and birth control more women will know their place and stick with the man who got her pregnant, even if he’s an abusive shit. That way the kid gets a proper father figure, at least according to Jindal.
Someone give BGI a few copies of Lilo & Stitch.
We seriously need to make these names so familiar to pro-choice advocates that everyone knows them. They’re powerful stories of how there are some very real consequences from anti-abortion politics.
IIRC AOL’s old, short-lived video channel (I think it had a name like IN2TV) had repeats of Another World but none of the great episodes just the post-Anne Heche stuff, including the awful fake-Rachel storyline. I wish P&G would try to put those episodes somewhere, I’d love to rewatch some of Raven Whitney being…
I think that was the point of saying it openly. The guy was making a direct comparison to how Roe v. Wade didn’t end the battle over abortion and that Ogberfell wouldn’t mean the end of trying to deny same-sex couples equal rights... and the undercurrent was probably hoping the money spigot wouldn’t end. It sounded…
PPPS: Don’t be a leach and expect any government handouts to pay for food and medical care, okay? You heard about the Welfare Queen? We give you money for milk one day the next you’ve got a government-paid Cadilac to carry steaks you’re going to feed to some young buck, just like her.
Yeah, there’s a part of me rooting for these anti-gay red states to go ahead and stop recognizing marriages and suddenly find out the kind of pain and hassle it was for same-sex couples to have those rights denied. Then again, if its a state thing they probably won’t have the IRS messing with them, like any gay couple…
There’s a Joe My God post I can’t find anymore about how the “family” groups hope they can get incremental wins that total to a lot against marriage-equality. “Religious freedom” bills are the first step but they hope they can have the kind of success they had in restricting abortion access.