Julius Pepperwood

A few years ago, Rachel Maddow talked with a guy who was getting harassed by OR types. He actually used their tactics (sorta) and gave people the phone numbers of people who were making harassing phone calls. (They did not think about blocking their number from caller ID.) He asked everyone remain polite but call and

Thanks for that. Overall, I’m inclined to think the costume itself is fine. It could be the basis for a pretty respectful (though probably not great) CJ costume. However, the picture definitely positions it as a transphobic joke and that the call it “unisex” while not offering a size conversion for women’s sizes

I just remember being a kid watching it for 30 second and going “Is it supposed to be funny that girl can’t pronounce words? Why is the audience laughing so hard? Ugh.” Then I went looking for a video tape with an episode of the comparatively complex The Charmings.

I actually miss the longboxes. In high school I’d cut them up and use them as mini-posters.

That took more time, also increasing the difficulty.

I’ve preferred Alexandrite ever since I learned about its color changing properties.

And my husband thought I was crazy for wanting to save the top layer of our cake (and he totally didn’t get why I was upset that he cut into it at the party) for our anniversary.

It’s the inevitable end to this story from the conservative media. First it’s don’t believe what the liberal media is telling you about Watergate and Iran-Contra, they’re biased against conservatives and trying to bring them down. (There’s also that “Silent Majority” shit that Trump has repurposed from the Nixon

I was sure if that was a troll or extreme sarcasm.

Yeah, its not “female privilege” it’s patriarchy that’s robbing of this boy of his agency by saying he should be happy to have found a woman willing to “give it up” to him.

If this were a male, he’s be UNDER the jail. But the heteronormative world we live in? Never ever sees women has anything but sexual toys for the pleasure of men. And if a young man gets “inducted” into manhood at a very young age by a predatory older woman? That’s just part of the GAME.

Anyone who has watched more than a season of ANTM just lives in fear of the day Tyra knocks on their door with a camera crew demanding to know why they stopped watching, so they keep on so they don’t have to live with that fear. It’s going ti be a challenge for the models someday... or a segment on her new talk show.

Wait? Black teas causes kidney stones? Aw, my husband is prone to kidney stones so I’ll have to cut back on the black teas we drink.

I think a bigger factor is that HBO gives him a lot of support, he doesn’t have to worry about pissing off advertisers and being on HBO means he can do more long form stuff since he doesn’t have the kind of time contraints a Comedy Central show faces.

I’m done with comedic foils on panels after a few months of The Nightly Show (not that I can stop from watching) they usually just derail the conversation with their need for attention.

Unfortunately, TNN isn’t just airing in a competitive environment. It’s also facing the expectations built up by years of Stewart’s Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Kilbourne’s Daily Show didn’t have anything different to offer, Kilborne’s joke choices tened to be obvious. Stewart completely turned the franchise

IMO, LW is still not a very good moderator. He’s really bad about stopping mansplainers from taling over the female guests. Rappaport’s a good example, it happens way too often and its usually a comedian talking over a guest who is an actual expert in the topic.

It’s improved but it’s still capable of having rage-inducingly-stupid panels like last night. Jon Stewart used to read the book before interviewing the author. Is it too much to ask four people to read a NYT article before discussing it? Everyone sounded like they only saw the clips of the the article being reported

Is anyone else having a Degrassi flashback to the time Caitlin tried to help Spike figure out how to use a home pregnancy test, surprised as how complicated they were? IIRC, Spike was overwhelmed just at the realization that the different tests had different requirements, some requiring she wait a day to use her first

Yeah I thought that too...wasn’t it clear what the reporter was actually trying to do?