I know you aren't asking seriously but I believe it's a softcore video from the 80s called Disrobics. I think someone thought "Women love these exercise videos, right? What if we combined softcore porn with an exercise video?"
I know you aren't asking seriously but I believe it's a softcore video from the 80s called Disrobics. I think someone thought "Women love these exercise videos, right? What if we combined softcore porn with an exercise video?"
I can't fast forward through an ad for that show without hearing my husband complain, he is offended by that title on so many levels (including his hate of moral ambiguity in legal shows).
Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Did you not see Richard Coyle's chest? There were two watchable qualities for that show.
God. Yes. There are times I don't agree with her and it annoys me like crazy there's nowhere I can say, "I thought the latest video was interesting but I disagreed with her interpretation of this game." without having to brace myself for comments that turn it all into Sarkeseesian hate.
What really depressed me was when I visited a gaymer (where it sounded like it was mostly guys commenting) community where a majority were similarly disdainful of AS. I wanted to scream at those idiots, haven't you experienced the 'Nobody wants to see Kaiden Alenko take off his shirt' or the sudden disinterest in…
Thanks for mentioning an alternative to Kotaku! Sigh, when I started frequenting Kotaku it was because the comments were less homophobic than Joystiq. Now, I'm looking to get away from Kotaku's toxic threads.
I knew I guy I mostly corresponded with he was nice but I remember him writing about how he never thought much about discrimination until he went on a road trip with a couple of white friends and a black friend. It was just obvious that they were only getting pulled over when his black friend was driving, prompting…
It's a sauce made from taking a jar of salsa and finding a way to process it further.
Off the top of my head theres:
Huh. My local Sonic has a dollar menu (I think they call it a snack menu?) version that's only two sticks.* I wonder if McD made their version three sticks with that in mind.
Just saw it in the store (Albuquerque) the other day.
OMG. I found the other person who watched Off Centre for the magnificence of John Cho.
Ah. Thanks for correcting my ignorance. I mistook Jaffa oranges as a variety of orange. I must have mixed it up with something I saw at Whole Foods, thus the joke about another type of food that just called "Israeli"
Considering current events, I am shocked to see that stores continue to carry Israeli couscous!
Did you see that they now have a cookie butter ice cream? I didn't buy it because Albertson's recently had one of those "Buy 8 pints to get a good price on Ben & Jerry's" deals that means I'm well stocked on ice cream for now but it looked good.
I thought it was both. There was a disease affecting lime trees and the reduced supply of limes created a shortage made worse when cartels started stealing them to sell at higher prices.
I worked for a franchisee of a couple major brands when they tried to improve their product. I think you can improve the perception of your product but it'll never be great, you'll just upgrade the perception from dated crap (especially if you have ingredients that have looked the same for a decade) to current crap.…
As a gay man, Elizabeth Vargas brings the worst in me.
To be fair to the FX chief, I wouldn't call Married or You're the Worst romantic or comedic either. Married belongs to the genre where lovable average-looking guys struggle to please their hot, nagging, impossible-to-satisfy wives. It's the FX version of King of Queens.
Well, I was disappointed to look for pepper soup recipes and realize none of them were like the way they made it sound in Alice in Wonderland.