There's a part of me that's fascinated by the idea that the cast and crew of a doomed TV show usually know in advance that cancellation is coming when the craft services table takes a quick slide downhill.
There's a part of me that's fascinated by the idea that the cast and crew of a doomed TV show usually know in advance that cancellation is coming when the craft services table takes a quick slide downhill.
Yeah, somehow that hasn't gotten in the way of people watching "Naked and Afraid" though this show won't have a woman discovering that her crotch makes fishing easier.
I love the idea of Lilo as Arya. I just don't want to cast Stitch as Arya's wolf because..... gah.
So glad Cupp is gone with her bad girl Elisabeth Hasselbeck character.
Sadly, I'm not surprised having lived in San Fran. The word that got out about the guy made him sound like a real jerk.
I'm just saying, a proper About Last Night remake is going to have a lot more Michael Ealy to look at than his face. The original was like an early Skinemax (not the current stuff) movie that took the plot really seriously.
You'd have to be tough and unafraid of stabbings like my theatre teacher was. She was one tough woman.
Using your media presence to call out Stephen Colbert is like walking up to Mike Tyson and challenging him to a fight. Piers must really want attention.
But surely there's space in Valhalla for people who know how to make mead? That's my plan.
I wonder if Maker's Mark would have fallen in a different spot if this survey happened before the news about them watering down their bourbon came out. It used to seem like the bourbon for urbanites but it seems like its quietly disappeared from the home bars I see since then.
I'm tempted to joke that's because there's no independently-owned distillers on the chart, but Arbor Mist and Andre fall on the blue side its not a corporate/independent divide. Are those people who just enjoy the feeling of vomiting?
Yeah, but what about time traveling to 1984 Times Square? I be liberals would love that. (I had a theatre teacher who had a Times Square apartment in the early 80s. She said she couldn't afford to go out but she didn't care because it was all so interesting right outside her building.)
This. I've encountered liberals who work hard to justify their worldview when its tested, but I know a lot more who will question and debate when they encounter facts that run counter to their beliefs. I've yet to encounter a conservative who doesn't react by trying to say those facts aren't real.
If they were so committed to a particular yarn-dying technique, they'd have their own adorable Portlandia characters (or, at least, a series of sketches with that enthusiast couple who used to be into pickling but now own a B&B).
The original white person version was for people who liked seeing more of Rob Lowe than just his face.
I think the more notable factoid about its box office is that it beat Endless Love, a remake of a romantic movie on Valentine's Day. Same genre (ish, one is sappier), also a remake but Endless Love was playing on more screens.
You could tell he was a fraud from his first moment in the spotlight. "I'm a small business owner worried about your proposed tax increase because I make a profit greater than $250,000 and have no idea how to splurge on office equipment/tools/a company vehicle to keep the income within the lower bracket. What is a…
I also love the fact that he recognized her while WATCHING A PORN but she's the gross one...
Cox said she was so concerned about the promotion and the "pornographic" material that she has contacted two national organizations, Women for Decency and One Million Moms. Both organizations have had success in stopping the spread of indecent material and subject matter on TV, in movies and in print media.
I hear it's a great lawyer, too. Used to represent the President of NBC, if I remember right.