
I was always told by my mother/aunts/grandmother to not wear underwear at night w/ pjs because you need to let things breathe, lol.

Yeah, I wear undies if I am wearing a skirt/dress and no tights, but otherwise there is a good chance I am going commando. ESPECIALLY under pants, I hate hate hate the feeling of fabric under my pants so at most I can wear is a thong and that is usually just during my period. I wash my clothes, and I have never had a

I never wear underwear unless it's my lady time. Never. Not with skirts, work pants, gym clothes, and certainly not to bed. Underwear sucks. Not trying to be scandalous or sexy or anything- just don't like um.

You've missed my point. Just as it should be legal for women to take their tops off, so should it be legal for them to choose to keep them on.

What is also oppressive is forcing women to take off their coverings, and stripping them of their choice to cover up. This is the kind of oppressive de-veiling legislation that is being advocated in multiple western countries.

Wow, that's not what the OP said at all.

While the personal attacks on Alinejad are deplorable, I know that the media's coverage of My Stealth Freedom makes a lot of Iranian and other Muslim women uncomfortable because it associates "de-veiling" with freedom and "covering up" with oppression. The views of young, modern, usually wealthy/middle class,

Hard to tell....

But why? I think I'd rather be 140 at 5'9 than 125. I'm 5'2 and have been (naturally) underweight, and I'm currently average/slim, and I much prefer that. There were main physically painful things that went along with being really skinny. 125 is very, very thin for someone your height, but 140 is still like, very slim.

My best friend refuses to eat in public after being told to 'put it down' by men passing cars. One morning (on our commute) she made a safe, legal lane change in front of an unobservant male driver who screamed at her that if she 'put her fucking hash browns down so your fat arms can turn the wheel'.

Hahahahahahaha "accusing me of not knowing what it's like to be skinny". Totally legit realistic fear that's totally normal.

I am a little confused. Why did you post your height and weight?

Thanks for sharing your measurements! They are relevant!


It is ironic that the group originally formed to express outrage at a Muslim group receiving a demonstration permit for September 11. It is a black-and-white violation of the first amendment for the government to deny a demonstration permit based on the content of the protest.

They believe that the market should determine why that caged bird is singing.

How do you not believe in Angelou's beliefs — education and poetry are valuable, people are equal, women are phenomenal etc?

I really, really want to know what the rest of sentence was gonna be. "... while her milkshake brought all the boys to the yard" WHAT? aaaarrrggghhh! We'll never know!!!

I could tutor you but I'd have to charge.

See, I would actually prefer her take lessons from some brown kid than to watch a documentary about a white dude that made a brown activity popular. It's kinda like telling your kid to listen to Macklemore if they want to learn how to rap. Let's not do that.