
Anti-psychotics are prescribed to a number of people with various mental illnesses, from depression and anxiety to schizophrenia. Psychosis is a symptom, not a disease. And people suffering psychosis don't actually have the frame of mind to reasonably plan and commit mass murder usually. But there are always some

I work in mental health, and based on the videos, this guy IN NO WAY meets the definition of psychotic. Angry, depressed, misogynist? Yes! But he is certainly not out of touch with reality. In addition, it's very difficult to hospitalize a person or force psychiatric medications on a person unless they demonstrate

I'm not sure why, but coming across this headline literally made my jaw drop. I mean, she was 86, dying at that age shouldn't be shocking. But I think Angelou was just someone I never pictured not being there, if that makes any sense.

but this is not what Islam has always been. this is a radical extremism that has taken hold of a very old religion, distorted some very nuanced elements of it, and made them the central tenets. people are acting like this is what has always been at the core of the Q'ran and i actually took a class on the History of

Islam is not the problem. The problem is the people who take the religion to the extreme. True Muslims do not preach hatred and destruction. They are just as disgusted by Islamic Extremists as the Western World is. Religion is not something with a mind and life of its own - it can't hurt anyone. The moment you start

You know what? No.

What does it take to put one's child in a mental institution for being gay? What does it take to put one's parents into nursing homes? What does it take to abandon children to orphanages instead of raising them?

Yes I'll concede that's a (or the) major factor, but seeing as how we had this very non-Muslim killer exhibit- not the same, but I think a parallel- flavor of violent psychopathic misogyny and entitlement in the U.S. So maybe it is misogynistic culture in general, not Islam specifically...? Just offering a devil's

Oh...I remember you now, from an article a few weeks ago. Where you pretty much went off about how Islam and everything about it just awful (to a degree that cannot possibly be compared with other western religions)...and how cultural relativism, to any degree whatsoever was wrong, etc, etc, etc.

I'm sure this black dude is going to get the same "mental illness" excuse like the other guy right? Right?

The KKK is the longest existing domestic terrorist organization in America. No they don't pose as big a threat today as they did pre-Civil Rights movement, but they still exist without repercussion (largely because of the first amendment). Unfortunately, possibly because their terrorism has mostly been directed toward

Wow, you seem to get really mad when anything doesn't make Islam look bad for some reason. There are militias and stuff for really xenophobic weirdos like yourself. Being mad isn't a grown-up behavior to be proud of and putting me down for bringing up a disturbing event that happened locally is really weird on your

This is true. Remember a few years back a WHITE MAN flew a plane (which he owned of course) into an IRS building in Austin killing himself AND a black man that was inside the building at the time. He did it as a terrorist action in protest against the taxes which were so outrageous that he only owned an airplane...

Nah...most of them are white.

They won't defend these guys because these guys are black. Well the main one is at lease. MRAs are racist as fuck

MRA's and PUA's, the new domestic terrorists.

Start envisioning a world where WOMEN FEAR YOU.

No, actually I was talking about the fact that Muslims are often subjected to intense physical violence in the form of hate crimes.

Because Europe does such an awesome job treating Muslim women with respect...

Yeah, is it race blind or whitewashing? If race doesn't matter to the character than they could have just as easily changed his last name to Kim or Hur - to keep the alliteration! -which would be reflective of the fact that he is Korean American. Doesn't mean that this would change the show to be 'about' his Asian