
So I guess its ArticuNO for them. Sorry that they have to be left in the cold (not).

It continues to amuse/irritate me to no end that these people - white, conservative, religious - are the real face of welfare fraud. Not saying that other people don’t cheat the system but the FLDS have turned welfare fraud into an art form. Yet somehow when some people use the term ‘welfare queen’ you just know the

McCalls is definitely loving and catering to cosplayers, that’s for sure!

Shouldn’t he be wearing a red shirt in the picture?

I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that?

pretty sure this is the donald...

My theory:

I know this list is only the original 151, but this guy should still get a mention.

#owlslivesmatter. Sorry not sorry. It’s Friday.

The truly sad thing is that had to deliver their own pink slips.

Sir or madam, I am highly offended by your post. Everyone knows that Wonder Twin Jayna can only turn into animals and Wonder Twin Zan can only turn into forms of water. You anti-exxorian bigots are all the same. How dare you.

Without knowing anything about contractual/rights barriers, I’m a little surprised they haven’t done a movie theater simulcast. It’d be a great way to give millions of people a chance to see it who otherwise would have no chance — not to mention a great way to make $30 million dollars in one weekend.

I truly appreciate and value Lin Manuel’s talent, but if he’s at all dissillusioned into thinking his show is at all reachable to anyone but the rich, white audience, he’s sorely got his head up his ass. My roommate managed to get orchestra seats at $300/each a couple of months ago, and she told me the people around

I think you underestimate how large the need for pro bono legal services are compared to the pool of available resources.

Was sent to Heartlight as a kid because I decided at a young age to be a militant atheist which my southern Baptist family could not abide. I was kicked out of the program for disrupting bible study by pointing out inconsistencies, asking (honest) questions, and generally being recalcitrant. Can confirm brain washing

How is this guy not....I dunno, disbarred or whatever for this?! Is there legal recourse to get him fired?

Nope, it absolutely can be. I think it’s hard to tell from the story who’s the bad guy here. It is conceivable she was so obnoxious and inappropriate over such a long period of time that the handcuffing is justified.

Wow. Surely there is some kind of recourse for this asshole?

Oh. My. Gawd. I would be a seething, sobbing pile of rage if a magistrate pulled that shit. Except, they wouldn’t, because then they’d be in a world of hurt.