
Make a friend.

Re:Creators makes sense. Characters replying to their creators, regarding characters’ creators.

I don’t trust Re:Creators. I’m still heartbroken over how hard Aldnoah went off the rails.

A guy from Indiana told me that referring to your wife as “mother” when you have children is not strange — or at least isn’t super bizarre — to Indianans.

The point is that there’s a circuit split, which makes it more likely that SCOTUS will grant cert. 

Even if it’s in a proper name and the subject would never refer to itself that way...? Honestly curious; legal writing uses “Seventh” in everything but case cites.


Michigan is Sixth, not Seventh. Sorry.

Unlike a legislature, courts can only make decisions about the specific facts of the lawsuit in front of them. A lesbian filed this lawsuit, so the court issued an opinion about the rights of lesbians.

I want to say this is great news, but the Eleventh Circuit ruled the exact opposite way in March, and by the time SCOTUS takes this (if SCOTUS takes this), Gorsuch will probably be on the bench.

Yeah but she got Johnny Weir to watch Yuri!! on Ice, so, haters to the left.

(1) Because the Billy equivalent is on spectrum and Power Rangers only get one interesting trait, and (2) no one liked it when they did it with Sulu.

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue fans?

DC voted 96% for Clinton.

Nah don’t worry about it. Unlike a sexual assault case or other case where there’s a reason to obscure the victim’s identity, the styling in this case really is a pure pedantic technicality. Gavin actually filed under his full name and the judge said “From here on out we’re going to use your initials because the rule

If you want to be super pedantic, it’s G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board because of a district court rule about minors’ names appearing in the record, or something.

Even if it doesn’t go back up on the Title IX issue, there’s still an Equal Protection question that IIRC has been on hold at the district court level since the Title IX appeal (or maybe it went to the Fourth Circuit and the Fourth chose not to rule on it because they resolved the case on Title IX grounds? I can’t

You’re wrong. It’s Gavin versus the school district.

I need hard-hitting journalism on that report that Nintendo imbued the Switch cartridges with nasty flavor so kids wouldn’t eat them.

the Obamas will donate 1 million books in their name to the non-profit First Book, which works to give new books to children in need. They’ll also be donating a “significant portion” of their book deal money to charity.