
Getting sent to a juvie-adjacent Children’s Village rather than juvie is a fine fucking distinction when a) the judge intended for it to be a punishment and ranted about people watching them pee and b) the court lacked jurisdiction over the kids and had no authority to send them anywhere.

And replying to my own comment because the Detroit Free Press article says they’re going to a two-week Jewish camp. So, that’s good.

Because family court judges aren’t supposed to send kids to juvie. They don’t even have the jurisdiction to send kids to jail. The kids aren’t parties to the divorce.

I think they have a GAL, based on comments on Jez in the last post.

It could be a couple things. First, Michigan (juvenile detention court, not family court...) sometimes sends kids to boot camps. Second, it could be a private camp that mom or dad is paying for (in another state, I once saw a judge who let a trial be postponed so the parents could send the kid to some sort of Utah

You either elect them, or you get to vote to kick them out every few years. I forget which, I just remember voting for local judges (in Michigan) last fall.

Any more information about the “camp” she sent the kids to? Because Michigan sometimes sentences juvenile delinquents to shitty boot camps.

My mom and I also only call each other while in the car. Then again, we pee on the phone with each other too. And talk while chewing on the phone with each other (not at the same time as peeing).

Why does Brave rank so low on lists of this type?

13. Brave

I have no strong feelings about this collection, but Nordstrom has a baller return policy.

Right? I saw UNC and thought University of Northern Colorado (which also has a teaching program).

It was being used as a slur by middle schoolers in Boulder, Colorado in 2008... though they didn’t know what it meant. (My siblings used “gay” to mean “awkward,” with the bizarre phrase “Every time there’s an awkward silence, a gay baby is born.”)

Like Ward Churchill without the 9/11.

Makes Yomecolle seem pretty reasonable.

I like it, and the skill involved is miles beyond what I can do as either a cosplayer or a photographer, but I’m confused by some Anna’s depth of field choices — at least in the pictures Kotaku is spotlighting. If I hauled ass across the Atlantic for choice locations, I wouldn’t blur them to the point where they might

By contrast, my ninth grade English teacher quit at the end of the year to write a twelve volume memoir about her divorce.

Are all the press Cameros painted like that? I don’t know a thing about cars, but I think I saw two of these driving around the law school in Ann Arbor a few weeks ago. (I did not see either of them crash.)

After seeing him on Larry Wilmore, I think Nye might just be awkward in unscripted personal interactions.

The gag reviews (and Q&A) on the 55-gallon tub of lube are great, but I really want to find out who actually buys this.