
Justice is so rare, I’d forgotten what it tastes like. The only way this could be better would be if they’d been able to attach some type of sex crime to it. I know the statute likely doesn’t allow for this but let’s be real, these were sexual crimes. He wanted their money, just like any other kind of extortion, but


Ah, so it is like the New York post. They want to offend. It caters to their racist, misogynist demographic.

That’s a different issue altogether and often gets brought up to deflect from white racism. The reality is that this phenomenon is overblown. What black people do you know personally who experienced this?

When things like this are published, it reflects poorly on the entire newspaper/blog/journal. Not a single editor looked at this and said no?

Read the thread.

"An asshole?"

It's more stylistic than grammar. I mean, technically using "female" as a noun is okay from a grammar perspective. That doesn't change the fact that whenever someone does it, a hole forms in my opinion of them and it is stuffed with pigeon.

She doesn't have any grounds to sue on behalf of other people, but if her life is being threatened by these idiot tweeters, then she can sure as hell try for some jsutice. The fact that it is so rampant is the problem, and the more these idiots get called out, the closer we may get to changing attitudes

Seeing as she's not a student athlete, she would lack standing to sue the NCAA for its treatment of student athletes. So there's that.

Have you tried telling them that if they were going down on a clit like the good lord intended they wouldn't have to spew such vile gender-based crap all the time?

Penn State + frats is like the Large Hadron Collider of stupid. The Large Stupid Collider. There's a non-zero chance of them creating a stupidularity and destroying the earth.


It's not basically abuse, it is abuse. That owner is a dick.

What kind of fucking idiot asshole feeds their dog a diet of white castle burgers and pizza? I didn't click any of the links or watch the video so maybe that's a joke. If it's not a joke and the previous owner actually did that they should never have pets (or children) again. I hate to be That Commenter, but that's

Cas Overton is a badass. She was my T'ai Chi teacher in college and was such an influence in my life. As a naive 18-year old, she blew me away with her wisdom and strength. It was super weird to see this all over the internet today, but I'm happy to see Cas is still out there, being Cas.

as someone that got bitten by a racoon and enjoyed the several month-long-anti-rabies-shot-fest, don't just sit there and let a feral animal, 'do its thing.'

As of late, I have spent waaaaaaaay too much time (personally and professionally— well, academically) reading about rabies to not be like OH HOLY FUCK SERIOUSLY.

My family and I moved to St. Louis when my dad got a different job and the first night we moved in, we ordered Imo's pizza which is the go to place for "St. Louis style pizza." Imagine eating really sweet tomato sauce on a cracker with plastic glue cheese melted on top and you have St. Louis pizza. Our first