Kudos to you, BTW. Here is one organization, I don't know that she, as an individual, will access the resources they provide...
Kudos to you, BTW. Here is one organization, I don't know that she, as an individual, will access the resources they provide...
Does you 'sympathy die out fast' for victims of domestic abuse as well? See: internalized misogyny. I am going to assume that being objectified and marginalized, and married to someone who thought it was cool to violently assault another woman isn't the healthiest headspace to be in. Further, I am going to think to…
You pesky kids, get off my lawn!
Oh, they exist.
If you don't like it, it isn't for you. If you feel better running in a skirt, run in a skirt. If you feel better running in an oversized bunny costume, do that. I understand worrying about women feeling like it necessary to look better and better while working out instead of embracing...well, the strength or whatever…
Good for you.
Yes, to mock THEM. In this comment area, there is a lot of THEM = all people who own guns. Those dbags aren't my people. I am happy to openly debate/consider gun right restrictions, but I will do so with a bias (I own guns). When a community that I by and large agree with and appreciate others me while I am following…
Truth. I tried to post a second comment identifying that my sentiment was meant for the community at large. I always read (and love) the comments section on Jezebel. I thin there can be great discussion and viewpoints. Except when there is an article about guns! Sometimes religion but, mostly, the community seems to…
In other news, I totally respect how Starbucks did their thing. I am really lobbing this at the comment forum...
It is times like these when I remember that this is written out of NYC and all of a sudden it's cool to stereotype and other people on the site (as long as they aren't YOUR people amirite?). Debates on gun restrictions are totally valid! Have at 'em! While we are talking, maybe stop hating on People Who Like Guns and…