
My favourite is...perhaps a pencil.

Oh come now, everyone knows first comes the restraining order and then comes marriage.

Why is it not fraud to present yourself as a medical professional?

Haha, the Keating 5. Any of them have McCain as a surname?

Dwhoa, from one monster to another. I'm sure Fitz is listening in

Not choosing Jake is not okay.

I was at work on the weekend hurrying to catch the elevator and a visitor was waiting to get on. I said something to the point of great it's here and on we got. When I glanced up at him I realized it was someone I had dated for a year way back 20 yrs ago. Man did he look old. Anyways I just pretended that I

I'm pretty certain Cyrus came within seconds of having his husband killed so he has no room to be so sanctimonious.

I thought it was Jillian Michaels when I glanced at the pic.

My mother had slips exactly like that one on the right in the 60's.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women.

I dress in such a way that I will set off no metal detectors, no pockets to empty, and if I have to escape onto a wing there will be no high heels to hamper me. I am all set in case there is a "water landing" or as slobs like me call it a crash.

I hope the rest of you did a slow clap when the girl took her down.

I want that! It will need to be able to empty the cannister on it's own though because I am sure it will fill up quick. Oh cats why must you shed so much.

Here's the thing, it generally starts when you are about 13 and you have no clue as to why some old guy is commenting on your body parts or reaches out and cops a feel as you are walking by. It makes the world a scary place.

I was thinking Natalie Wood.

As one who travels in the opposite direction I have been asked a few times at the border how much cash I'm carrying with me. I'm just pleased that someone thinks I might actually have that much money.

Give it up. You meant to use incomprehensible. You chose the wrong word.

Look at it this way, the guy you will miss did not exist. He was not who you wanted him to be or thought him to be. Keep reminding yourself of this and stay strong.

Are you just playing us? If this is all true than you know he's married, you know it's his baby and you know he lives with his wife and she has no idea about you. He's not even doing a good job with the lying. He has no respect for his wife and no respect for you. Next it will be that they live together but she