
Have you noticed the panel gaps on the tailgate of Ravines? People used to bitch about the Tesla panel gaps on Jalopnik years ago when it was a good site, haven’t heard much complaining about the Rivian issues.

Do you work for Exxon/Mobil or a Jalopnik blogger’s burner account.

Fuck Seth Rogen and all the bullshit he spouts from his pot smoking mouth!

Seriously?  That is your take from this article?  The name of the machinery is not PC enough for you?

Well, name checks out.  Found the Harry and Meghan stan.  They have become insufferable.  Surprised Harry didn’t blame the family for him dressing up as a Nazi for a party.

You do realize “reality” shows are mostly scripted, right?  Also, do you have something against capital letters?

I think you are missing the issue, they are looked at as human’s just some people don’t recognize someone as a true woman when they weren’t born with ovaries and all the other bits that make up a biological female.

You sound like such a closed minded dolt.

I think she and Lockwood divorced sometime in the past few years. Editors schmeditors.

G/O media doesn’t care about anything but click bait headlines for the middle school level blog posts.  This place went down the shitter big time.

Somehow he has become more insufferable then when he used to dress up as a nazi for parties.  He and Meghan need to go away and stop with their relentless media blitz they keep unleashing.

I’ll be damned, always thought it was a handy scraper/comb combo so I can fix my hair after vigorously scraping my windows in the AM.

Isn’t pretty much anyone selling NFT’s Con men/women?  

Whatever helps you cry yourself to sleep at night.

The fact that you think you think you are high and mighty because you are not “grey” shows how pathetic your life is. I’m glad you have found acceptance in a comment section to make your life complete.

Well you don’t know what you are talking about because the Shake Shack thing is not made up, they came under fire because they use Martin’s Potato rolls and the owner of the company supports Republicans.

Your reading and writing comprehension get a D-.  Better luck next semester.

You creep on people in the comment section?  Damn, I wish I had that much free time to waste.

I bet people that eat at Shake Shack or buy Martin’s potato rolls really get your ire going.

If you or your Trans friends feel that if someone is into Harry Potter, then that means that they don’t care whether Trans people live or die, then you and your friends are idiots.