
Do you live with your parents or in the middle of nowhere in a shack?  

Never met a Chinese person that had a problem with that movie. Just overly woke little shits cry about it on shitty pop culture sites.

I REALLY hope you are being sarcastic, or just Mama Huff being proud of her little trooper no matter what!

Dynamics between generations has been happening in movies since the beginning of silent films, not sure why you think this year is any different.

Found tWitch when he was a contestant on SYTYCD and despite not winning he was one of the all time favorite dancers from that show during the early years. He had that great personality & smile and everyone liked him. Easy to see why he was brought back to the show and ended up on Ellen.

No, you singling out someone for it as if they are the worst one implies it.  Sorry, maybe you are 13.

Yes, because most of the Dems and Republicans in Government aren’t in the pockets of big corporations.  Are you 12 or something, because you seem blissfully unaware of how the world works.

So independent is close to republican in your delusional mind?  Independent means you see the good on both sides and don’t want to deal with the Far right lunatics and the far left overly preachy types that are ruining both parties.

Where is Bobby Wagner when you need him?

Milkshake duck with your definition may be the stupidest fucking thing I have heard in my entire life.  You should be ashamed of yourself for knowing it.

Just look at the G/O sites comment sections for a first hand look of the cess pool that is created when that happens.

you forgot the word “many” in front of benefits.

Because many people are idiots with knee jerk reactions and very little common sense.

Yeah, but it gives the for profit corrupt prison system all that sweet, sweet money.

Why would you feel bad for anyone that got arrested for breaking rules or laws?  

So maybe she is used to guys with tiny needle dicks. Does she sleep around that much that of all the many shlongs she’s been with, his was the runaway biggest?

Explosive documentary? About as explosive as a fart that squeaked out.

No young anyone’s are watching Good Morning America.

That was the most desperate and pathetic use of white supremacy I have ever seen.  You do realize it had absolutely nothing to do with this story.

Star power, but who needs to read the blog that states that.