
This list is incorrect. NO presents:

What I also found interesting in this news release is the solar/power wall business is up 92% and they are making money on it as well.

As long as the fucking car is clean and safe, I’ll still take a Lyft over a taxi any day. Fuck the taxi industry.

how do all these idiots hold jobs that pay enough for a tesla?


What about his own negligence for not attending the drivers meeting? How about for driving too fast for the corner?

I don’t feel for him at all. He’s a terrible rider and should never get on a bike again.

Classic motorcyclist mentality. Buy incredibly dangerous mode of transportation. Participate in even more dangerous activity. Ride beyond their ability. Crash and get hurt and it’s everyone else’s fault.

These are the same guys lay down their bike in the rain on the highway then moan about how their insurance company

The crew rest on a Delta or American A380 will look like nothing since no US airline flies the A380.

  • This car isn’t legal, despite having a Florida title. Florida will issue a title and plates for a Radio Flyer wagon.

Have you driven one? The light weight really makes up for what seems like a meh drivetrain on paper. Better power to weight than a Miata even. And the looks are helped in darker colors where you can’t see some of the weirder details like the grin up front. As a bonus, it’s great in the snow with the right tires; I

The feature isn’t the problem, it’s how people are using it.

This is top-level internetting: Speculate, condemn, seek affirmation, persist. Good job, you definitely know how it’s done.

The drivers are still supposed to be attentive while using auto pilot. It sounds like most (if not all) of them are expecting the car to do everything for them while they read Jalopnik.

Front fell off

K but how many people have been killed by people driving their own cars? That experiment has clearly failed, yet here we remain.

No one had ever bothered to drive a Ferrari in such a way that the brake pads would wear out before.

No, but I would assume most in Seattle do.

Translation: “The kids who want these cars can’t afford them, so we can’t justify development costs of adding another option. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go work on the automatic for the new Supra.”