
I found out a few years ago that my great-grandmother came here as a baby, and that the “mother” she came with was actually her aunt. So basically immigration fraud. Amazingly, my grandfather and that aunt’s granddaughter ended up meeting by change a few years ago, and she had the original immigration documents for my

Completely and totally agree. Thankfully, the number of kids remaining in ORR shelters is going down day by day; due largely to the tireless advocacy of the ACLU and the many, many other organizations who have worked hard on these issues. And also, reading a bit more into Lee Gelernt’s comment that many of the kids

The sheer lack of empathy here is staggering. There are already kids saying they want to kill themselves and sexual abuse in these kiddy prisons. It must be heartbreaking for the parents, but I can understand why they don’t want their kids sent back to somewhere that was so awful they risked everything to escape. Also

Yeah, this is an issue near and dear to my heart. I actually do understand why some of the parents might feel that way; for many, they brought their children with them to the United States primarily so that the child could escape the crushingly awful conditions, or escape specific threats. And they felt that their own

I’m an old, so, when I read his claim that no campaign had ever spied on another, I just bellowed, ‘Richard Millhouse Nixon, you rancid piece of shit!’ and threw my damn phone

In the same way that I can’t stand Trump’s voice and mannerisms so much that I wait for transcripts, I’ve gotten to the point where I can’t handle reading his tweets and just wait for someone to tell me about the latest stupid shit he spouted. I’ve never hated someone so much in my life.

Oh shit I can’t WAIIIIT I need more of this shit. Watched the Vikings Unearthed documentary this weekend while drunk and it was great fun! However Chris Pine. Does nothing for me. He looks exactly like a puppet from TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE.

Netflix never manages to recommend me shows I actually want to watch, either. I’ve watched every season of “Call the Midwife” at least 3 times, but do they tell me when there’s new episodes? Nope, never. But they’ll certainly email me to let me know “Always Sunny” has a new season! Even though I hate that show!

“We are testing whether surfacing recommendations between episodes helps members discover stories they will enjoy faster.”


Amazon already does this, and it’s super annoying. If I didn’t check out the show when you had it plastered all over the top of your app, I’m not going to when you interrupt the shows I’m actually trying to watch.

The people most offended consider the Aunt Lydia joke to be the one about her looks, not the smoky eye joke. And no, they don’t accept the explanation that the Aunt Lydia joke was about Aunt Lydia’s position in society rather than any similarity in appearance. They firmly argue that it’s both, and I doubt they’re

Now playing

I think we all need a song to cheer us up - and this is simply magnificent:

Of course it was Kushner’s fault.


DeVos is a perfect summation of Trump’s cabinet of deplorables, grifters, and lackwits. She personifies what i term as ‘malevolence tempered by incompetence’

Now playing

Also, I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but think of this South Park character whenever DeVos said “per se”:

The Supreme Court decision has everyone talking and it goes without saying IANAL, but shouldn’t the whole “I can’t bake your wedding cake because of religion” be an easy case to litigate?

While I generally agree with you about dudes coming in and posting braggadocious sex things, I sort of feel Masshole James has been around long enough that I don’t even side-eye his lecherously gay ways anymore. Maybe I’m just desensitized.